Two esoteric degrees in the sign of Taurus, which has 2 star clusters: the Pleiades and Hyades. 10' Taurus (May day today) and 20' Taurus (represented as 3:40 hours/AM - it tends to fall on Mother's day here in North America).
Sabian symbol for 10' Taurus: A (Red Cross) Nurse Warm in Sympathy. Or A Woman Sprinkling Long Rows of Flowers.
and for 20' Taurus: Wisps of Clouds Streaming Across the Sky. Or A Moving Finger Points to Significant Passages of Time.
I would thought 10' Taurus had more to do with Mother's day and 20' Taurus about May day itself. In astronomy, the constellation's brightest magnitude star Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) is in 9' Taurus or actually, 21' Taurus (4 hours, 35 minutes in right ascension). And fun fact Pioneer 10 is headed to the direction of Aldebaran and it'll take 2 million years from now to reach there.
So, you're back in this old thread again, the one that had lain dormant for so long when you revived it last year contending, or implying, that the Sabian Symbols you brought into question were inappropriate, as for a reason you claimed was, because that degree is known by some school of thought, or another, to be a malefic degree.
And I replied that there are no inherently malefic degrees in the Zodiac nor anything material placed in the heavens by our Creator that is intended to be as such.
If, let's say as for an example, your Astrological Part of Catastrophe happens to be in the same Sign and degree as Saturn or Pluto, for two examples of possible effect that can activate that Part, at birth, or by transit, and possibly even progression, then you might truly have a genuine cause to sweat a little.
The Sabian Symbol given for the 10th degree of Taurus is that of [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The compassionate linking of all men.
This symbol reveals the feeling of human cooperation at the stage of pure altruism and service to the social Whole. On that foundation of Christ love (agape, or true companionship), man can reach a still higher level of experience made possible by the refinement of the substance of his being, his consciousness and his will. This goes beyond imagination and faith in the future - beyond Christmas tree celebrations - for it implies going into the dark to bring life and love to the tormented and the deprived.
At this final stage of the five-fold sequence we see what is finally open as new potentiality to the 'widow before an open grave' — the closing symbol of the preceding sequence. Personal attachment in love to a husband or wife has changed level becoming a CONSECRATION TO HUMANITY."
This degree happens to be where the Part of Mans' Marriage is as derived from my natal chart.
It rather clearly explains why I have never married and have had long stretches of celibacy throughout my lifetime... and I will be 67 years of age on this May 5th.
One who is CONSECRATED TO HUMANITY", such as s monk of certain Orders, or a yogi of certain Orders of Yoga, or a Templar Knight, most often takes a vow of celibacy and, in addition, some even live their lives in isolation, just as many of those monks and yogis that live in monasteries and ashrams do.
As a sishya of the bij, I am not to go into seclusion but rather immerse myself in human society, among my fellow humakind, I never took a vow of celibacy, because it is not required that I do so, it's just the way that path unfolds or, at least as to, how it unfolded for me.
I am a yogi, a "sisya of the bij, OM", the Word of God is my Satguru and I am not to have any other as my means of salvation. [
as explained by Swami Sivananda in his book "Japa Yoga"]That renders me as impartial, and thus unbiased, towards all other archetypes, avatars, satgurus, and the like and if they are legitimately that and you, or anyone else, that does have anyone of them in that role for you , and you earnestly follow the path they have given for you, and keep the rites of your faith holy and sacrosanct and faithfully employ them, you will achieve that goal which you have been promised by your faith. or your faiths' archetype of spiritual achievement. All paths to God are valid and worthy [as long as they are true faiths] and, then ultimately, you will realize at some point on your path that your only obstacle is yourself. As long as you remain intent on reaching that goal and don't allow yourself to be distracted by any allurement that is not a part of that path you will not fail in reaching that goal... you won't become an obstacle to yourself.
If you read Rudhyar's presentation [
I am only recommending Rudhyar's presentation and interpretations as I have found then to be the most clearly and extensively explained imho, and that they certainly work best for myself] for the 30th degree of Virgo, which is the 1st step in the process of 360 such steps [
or phases] of spiritual evolution that culminates with transformation into that which one must become in order to exist in the higher vibration dimension of existence that those who succeed do dwell, you will find that the Sabian Symbol for that degree is stating exactly that, as Dane presents the Sabian for the Sign and degree as... [ibid.]
..and Dane's 'Keynote' phrase for that Sabian Symbol is given as...[ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The total concentration required for reaching any spiritual goal." to which Dane then offers us his summation of the symbolism that is found for that degree [ibid.]
"This is the culminating step, the decision that results from a myriad of small choices. Still a shadow of hesitation can remain. Attention may be distracted from the Now by a voice from the past, glamorizing some old memory. The outer doors of perception and thought must be closed, so the soul can complete its...".
and the Keywords to be aware of, that is to say as to how He puts it all "in a nutshell", so to speak...[ibid.]
The 360 Sabian Symbols are in their totality a process of transformation and they are not exclusive to the Zodiac. The Zodiac is a construct of mind and was divided into 360 degrees in order to work with that process of transformation as those 360 phases have existed since the very beginning when the Universe was created. Humankind came later.
As the process of this planets' own yearly transformation, that we were born on, are in fact made of, which in turn was made of our Suns matter, begins every year with the Spring Equinox, So does the Sabian Symbol of the first degree Aries begin at the very moment of the Vernal equinox, and also gives explanation as for why the Sabian Symbols must be used in reference to the Tropical Zodiac. The Signs are ever moving in relation to the Equinoxes, and that is why the attributes of the Signs as they apply to you as a person must be referenced as to the Sidereal Zodiac. Thus you are also given the basis of an explanation as to why the Sabians are not relative to any Sing of the Zodiac except as a reference of placement as to where and when they begin as that process and where they culminate as that process of transformation.
...and why they also have nothing to do with man made holidays and observances of the temporal calendar.
...and btw, the Sabian for the 20th degree of Taurus is [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The awareness of spiritual forces at work.
Any emergence of life potentialities from the depth of the vast Unconscious is answered by the spiritual activity of superconscious forces in a cosmic kind of antiphony. The individual who has taken a new step in their evolution should look for the 'Signature' of divine Powers confirming their progress. It may reveal the meaning of what is to come next. The 'wing-like clouds' may also symbolize the presence of celestial beings (devas, angels) blessing and subtly revealing the direction to take, the direction of "the wind" of destiny.
This is the fifth stage of the tenth five-fold sequence. It concludes a process, having experienced which the individual should find themselves more securely established in their own original nature, receiving the BLESSINGS of super-natural forces."
...and the Sabian Symbol for the 21st degree of Taurus is; [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: Learning to discern what in your culture and religion is meaningful to you personally.
This symbol evokes the traditional practice, when one is in need of guidance, of opening at random a Sacred Book (for Christians, the Bible) and spontaneously placing one's finger on a paragraph. We are parts of a cultural-religious whole, and every whole has a message for its many parts, if these are willing to submit their little wills to the great meaning and destiny of the whole. In an even broader sense, the open mind can learn to detect "signatures" in many events which he has allowed to occur. The too great reliance on repeated symbolizations can lead to a schizoid state of over-subjective dependence upon signs and omens.
This is the first stage of the eleventh five-fold sequence of symbolic phases in the general process of 'Differentiation' (Act One). By relying on cultural guidance a person identifies himself with a differentiated type of collective response to a particular environment. It is a state of SUBSERVIENCE TO COLLECTIVE VALUES.
I do so urge you to get a copy of Dane's book on the Sabian Symbols [
or Marc Edmond Jones, or even Blain Bovee, for that matter, Lynda Hill's too if you would like to, but I do recommend using Bovee and Hill for supplemental, additional, understanding but that is IMHO, of course.] Dane's book should be read from cover to cover to truly understand why He presents them in the manner as He does and why they are also so important in use for the House cusp interpretations [
and I'm not saying that Jones or any of the other authors I have mentioned don't do the same, for the reason I haven't read enough from those books yet as to make such a evaluation.
But if you know those other authors in fact do, or even if you don't have any use for techniques of chart interpretation that involve symbolism found for the degrees of House cusps, as such, then choose what author you will.]
But as to whichever of the books you do choose to study of the four I've given, please read it thoroughly, and then LEARN IT, KNOW IT, AND LIVE IT"
It's been my pleasure to serve to the spiritual needs of my fellow members of our human race.
I now presently know for certain, due to my recent acquisition of analysis of my DNA, that I am a mixture of at least four of those "Five Races", those that are identified by the colours Black, Red, Yellow, and White and that of the fifth is yet pending a decision by science when they have enough samples identified as such in the data banks of their computers.
Which demonstrates that just as I have no reason to be, nor am I, biased towards any one faith over another, I have no bias towards any particular racial type, or mixture of types, over another either.
We will all Be One, in the Word and the Light, when we all have successfully completed that process of spiritual transformation.
All Glory to God.
Devananda, aka piercethevale