...and now getting back to the subject of the Part of Service, and Spiritual Service is what it is really about, at least for the more evolved souls here on earth... as for that 14th degree of Virgo being the location of mine, and that a number of people consider me to be the one mentioned by the author Trevor Ravenscroft, in his book, "The Cup of Destiny", which is allegedly derived from some stash of material that Rudolf Steiner either wrote, or got from somewhere else, the mythical, or legendary if you prefer, Parsival reincarnated [I'm not selling it, and nobody has to buy it, I'm just pointing something out here as if any of that is actually true then there is definitely some lessons in interpreting natal charts here, as I was, and still a bit am, the most skeptical of all. I was like: "Who, me? 7.2 billion people on this planet, at present, and I'm the lucky winner? Why the heck couldn't it be the lottery? That's only got odds of around 41.4 million to 1.] and the big prerequisite for to be considered to actually be him is that the ancestry would trace back to the House of David and in particular, Hannah/Anne, the virgin mother of the virgin Mariam/Mary. Ravenscroft wrote that Steiner believed that bloodline to be "particularly affected by astrological forces". Gee, like hitting the lottery twice with the same ticket...
HOW LUCKY CAN AN ODD DUCK BE...!?! ..AND THAT'S NOT ALL, EITHER. MY, LATE, PRESENT LIFE MOTHER WAS ALLEGEDLY ALSO THE MOTHER OF PARSIVAL, AND ALLEGEDLY WAS HANNAH BEFORE THAT. NOW GET THIS... the esoteric, Gnostic sourced, number for the Virgin Mary is 55 [Jesus, the man, is 33... and not the Christ that He later became one with, the Christ's number is 888... and I think that everyone has already heard what the "Bad Boy's" number is allegedly? ] By Hebrew transliteration [the letter used in place of a number, like those rascally Romans did too] the Hebrew letter for the number 5 is the Hey, the equivalent to the English alphabet's letter H.
My mothers' maiden name was Helen Huff...and the first time I realized the connection, or coincidence, I thought to myself "Naw, cause moms' got a middle name too and it's ...and I nearly swallowed my tongue... Virginia...!?!" ...and she named her daughter Anne Marie [Hannah Mariam, in Hebrew] and me David [another coincidence, or sign?] Back in 2008, in March, I seem to recall, I asked for a reading from my clairvoyant friend, Clarisse Conner, as I had noticed that the 5 missing points in my natal chart, of all the 22nd-23rd degrees of the 12 Signs, that if occupied would create a grand semi-sextile, a 12 point STAR, were about to all be occupied by transiting influences that year, at the same time, except the point in Virgo. So, I asked Clarisse if one of the yet undiscovered Planets might be heading there too. [as on a few previous occasions. she and I had gotten into the thing about undiscovered Planets, i.e. those yet to be known of, in our solar system ]
She said that was affirmative. But it wasn't going to be on the ecliptic plane, and rather well below it. She said for me to "think of it like that 3D chess you've seen them play on Star Trek" Well, I was most curious about this matter because the 12 point star is by some esoteric source [late edit: the author, Dorothy Leon] said to be the Path of Discipleship [or maybe it is the Star of the Path of Discipleship? It's something like that, anyways] Then, right before I was going to say, "Thanks" and hang up the telephone, She adds, Dave I'm seeing the number "55 and the words, Honor the Mother", does that mean anything to you? I thought for a second and then told her, "Well, I'm going to turn 55 this year and my birth date is May 6th, that's a 5/6, but I would have to take it to mean that I should give my Mom a bit more attentiveness and love this year, we have been kind of at odds with one another for some months, and that's when it struck me that the 55 has got a Hebrew transliteration, and I recalled that Rudhyar had wrote of it in one of his books. That's when all this stuff I wrote of above materialized. When my yogi friend, whom had been given reason to believe many years before I met him, that He was the reincarnated Parsival, and was about to loan me his copy of Ravencroft's book, Clarisse sends me a postcard, it went to the old hotel I had been living in for five and a half years, as I had finally started getting my civil service disability pension after sparring with the pension board over it for as long, and had just moved into the apt I'm presently still living in, and it was re-addressed by the hotel manager to where I left him the forwarding address to. I got the postcard the day before Suryakant drove over here to loan me his book. And here's a photo of the postcard and what Clarisse had written on the back of it.
I had been doing Vedic Sun rites for about 6 years at that time, and I thought that the other knight "coming together to do battle" meant that as an opponent. Later on, a few months later, I realized she meant as a compatriot. Suryakant was born during the winter, had known little luxury his lifetime [He was 63 at the time] and He did come over the following day to deliver to me the book about the Holy Grail, and Parsival, and Sir Galahad, and all the other stuff that people think is just myth.
Later, in a reading from, my clairvoyant friend, Clarisse, I asked her if Suryakant had been Galahad in a previous life...she affirmed that. Then later on I read, some where, that it was Galahad that did obtain the Holy Grail and as a reward; 'The angels ascended him unto Heaven with having to suffer physical death"... Well, that's a description of an Ascended Master, one of the Great White Lodge, one that has "ascended... unto Heaven"....
and it further stated, "and as a result He became a man of two realms" Suryakant's mid-haven is in the 7th degree of Aries. [From Rudhyar's book, "An Astrological Mandala". ]
KEYNOTE: The first realization of the dual nature of man and of the possibilities it implies.
This symbol represents the antithesis of the thesis pictured ill Phase 6, yet in such a five-fold sequence what we see is contrast rather than opposition. The primordial one-sidedness of emotional and cultural manifestation actually calls for the compensatory ability to operate at two levels. Thus the primary dualism of Sky and Earth, of the divine and the human, of spirit and matter. The vision and the emotions are focused within sharply defined boundaries, but within these boundaries they express themselves at two levels. This is the foundation of religion as well as of magic.
A situation which has become characterized by this symbol can be successfully faced if its spiritual and material implications are understood and actualized.
At this second stage of the second five-fold sequence of symbols we see at work man's capacity for LIVING TWO SEPARATE LIVES - and finding fulfillment and happiness in both. On this capacity are founded many of the complexities of human nature. "
...and the day Suryakant loaned me that book, the day after I got that postcard from Clarisse, I read in the book that Parcival [aka Piercethevale] was known as the
"Knight of the Sword, Knight of the Word, Knight of the Sun, and He whom reads the Starry Script."
...and that's my little demonstration, from personal experience, as to how all this s**t works in unison.