This is my first reply in this community, so I would like to say hi to everyone!
I have read different ideas on chart rulership, and I am still not convinced that I have an overall chart ruler. I have Pluto 11 deg 12' Libra conjunct the ASC at 12 deg 39' Libra, Venus is at 9 deg 15' Aquarius, and Uranus is at 7 deg 01' Scorpio. Alan Oken, in his book "Rulers of the Horoscope" (106), would say that since Pluto is within 3 degrees of the ASC from the 12th house, that it is my chart ruler. Most astrologers, as I have seen on this thread, say that Venus is my ruler, because it is the ruler of my ASC. Draco, however, says that the planet with the best overall strenth is the ruler of my chart. puts Uranus as my most powerful planet.
So, after doing a dispositor tree, I figured out that Venus in Aquarius disposits Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Libra disposits Uranus in Scorpio, and Uranus in Scorpio disposits Venus in Aquarius. Then, all of the other planets answer to Uranus. This is assuming that we are using Modern Rulerships. In traditional astrology, Saturn in Cancer and the Moon in Aquarius disposit each other. Then, all of the other planets answer to Saturn.
Here is my chart in case anyone wants to reference my information.
As far as aspects go, all four of these planets have negative aspects with other planets or important angles. Pluto with the ASC and MC; Uranus with the Moon, Mercury and Venus; Saturn with the Moon and Jupiter/Chiron; and Venus with Uranus. Saturn is accidentally dignified in the 10th house, if you acknowledge that, but it has no positive aspects, unless you consider mutual reception a positive aspect. Also, Uranus is exalted in Scorpio, if you acknowledge Modern rulerships/exaltations.
Kevin Burk, in his book "Understanding The Birth Chart" (190), says that a committee runs the chart while interpreting Sylvester Stallone's chart. This, I would agree with more, than saying that a single planet rules my chart.
So, I am unconvinced of having a single planet ruling over my chart. This does not mean that I am right, and will listen to others opinions on this matter. It just means that I do not see one planet ruling over my chart. Once again, I am happy to be here, and hello to everyone!