I've been trying to explain that there are two ways for determining the precessional Ages, one retrograde and sidereal, the other direct and tropical.
So if you're a tropical astrologer, the Aquarian Age to look forward to is the tropical one, being preceded in tropical charts by the tropical Age of Capricorn now culminating as it nears its ending, NOT by the sidereal Age of Pisces, which does NOT even appear in tropical charts.
It's the age of Pisces because everyone is deceptive and I also say so just as you point to things being materialistic.
Materialism will exist in all ages the physical reality, except in the age of Pisces, the material is the illusion and you are falling into it head first, the issue is that regardless of who or where you are in life it is almost impossible to be of sound mind because what is going on behind the scenes is often deeply hidden.
Now if I wanted to prove this I would ask for every individuals chart who aligns with your thoughts, then line up the cause of such thinking plus if we had the data and facts of your externeral reality also so your physical being, what you do on a daily basis, what you do to stop you from learning more... that gives way more objectivce data, but alas as with the age of Pisces, you can be whatever you think you are rather than what you are.
If Saturn was our governing body we would all be like me who has a dominant Saturn in Capricorn, but we all are not like me, and so we lose all rigid bounds to logic and reality since it is whoever agree's, not what is truthful that wins. My thoughts are shockingly grave and realistic, I will live, I will die, for that reason I am neither above nor below, anti-thesis to the ego which is the shining Sun, I am more descriptive of Lucifer the light bearer.
It is a fact that also life has no meaning, it is illogical and people are becoming more moved away from collective belief but into individualism.
Well of course, the age of Aquarius is close is why.
Also David, if you are an Aquarian, you suffer from rigid thinking, absolutes...
Neptune has been in domicile for too long and it's effects are showing up in trying to be something you are not, sex changes, meaning of being female or male, no rigid bounds to anything, Saturn is now in Pisces, compatible with me, trines my Sun, sextiles my Saturn and is first house.
Here we have a song that depicts objective reality of human life, mixed with the feeling of life.