Fixing Astrology.

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Yes, by all means, please give all us newcomes to philosophy, Kabbalah, esotericism, hermeticism, mysticism and astrology the help we require.

Yet more misrepresentation! Clearly, the 'newcomers' label referred to those new to MY insights on astrological structure - not a general reference to philosophy, Kabbalah etc..

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Yet more misrepresentation! Clearly, the 'newcomers' label referred to those new to MY insights on astrological structure - not a general reference to philosophy, Kabbalah etc..

[Deleted rude comment. - Moderator]
Yeah, I forgot to put /s
But by all means do enlighten us
Forum, we are where we are, so it's back to basics; back to the beginning.

That ancient term, 'The Word', is the ultimate generalisation. 18th century Kabbalist Moses Luzzatto came close to that explanation in the ordinary language of his time. Paraphrasing, "...every thing that exists is an expression of the order described by the Tetragrammaton". My rendering of the "four attributes of God" (Halevi) is encapsulated in Four Principles. We find instances of the 'Four Principles of Organisation' everywhere we look:
the four dimensions of space-time, the four bases of DNA, the four fundamental forces of nature and in the actual arithmetic of Astrology - base 4!.

One instance is found in the 'group rules' of mathematics, (I have included a primer on group theory in my published work) necessary to the derivation of Astrology's twelvefold structures. The rules are four in total, covering:

1 - Identity; 2 - Inverse (and commutativity); 3 - Associativity; 4 - Closure, defining the extent of the group space.

Groups are often first encountered in the mathematics of Symmetry - an important tool in theoretical physics. And, as Emmy Noether pointed out:

"Every continuous symmetry in nature gives rise to one of the conservation laws of physics." Were talking conservation of energy, momentum etc..

There's no correspondingly simple example of topology's rules - it's a little more diffuse than symmetry. The example I use is the set:
{point, neighbourhood, continuous function, space} used to describe 'point-spaces' - like the surface of the Earth where, by changing location, we recreate our momentary neighbourhood (think, plane of the horizon), shaped as in the target-like graphic supplied earlier in this thread.

In everyday life we employ 'Equivalence Classes' as a 'quick and dirty' means of description - the space of 'all things' can be divided into sub-spaces of things that share at least one property, like 'The American people' or 'All redheads'. The rules for generating equivalence classes (4th Principle), as that part of 'All' involving the common property:

1 - Reflexivity (self-relating); 2 - Symmetry; 3 - Transitivity.

'Similarity' is an equivalence relation. For three individuals A, B and C:

1 - A is similar to A (obviously); 2 - if A is similar to B, then B is similar to A - the relation is symmetric; 3 - if A is similar to B, and B is similar to C, then A is similar to C. The relation is transitive.

We use similarity quite a lot in conversation - "This tastes like raw cabbage!" or "She looks like Marilyn Monroe.", where something new can be compared to something commonly recognised. We're not usually aware of the fact that we are using the Logic of Life.

There's more to say but I must first prepare (convert from bitmap) some graphics files.

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The above diagram shows two aspects of 'The Word' - my interpretation of the Kabbalist root. On the left, the see the four-way complementarity of the Four Principles of Organisation. In other words, all identifiable units require the four principles for their complete description. On the right we see the hierarchical nature of the principles - the 'First Principle' describing the complete individual and also its component parts at a different hierarchical level.
If we combine this with the topology of Human living then each of the three visible levels requires a fourfold description for their inner workings. For the Tropical Zodiac, we see Level 1 as the set {Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer}, Level 2 as {Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio} and Level 3 {Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius , Pisces}. These Signs are related to the attribute set {Fire, Earth, Air, Water} - one instance of the Four Principles. This is the simplest way to explain why there are exactly twelve Signs of the Zodiac. Here we have the 'proof of the pudding', confirming that the modelling is correct.


Just a reminder of the spatial topology where the cut-out region (2) of the sphere (left) is topologically equivalent to a plane - astrologically, the Plane of the Horizon.


And finally, the base-4 arithmetic of Astrology, where each element has a two-digit value {Level, Active Principle}. Each is the root value for a family of components. For example {3, 4} includes Pisces, the Twelfth House and the planetary principle, Neptune.

Hopefully, the updated model of Astrology begins to become more clear. All the mathematics used in my work is explained in Appendix A of the book.

Hello HMcArthur,

Your description seems to me to be part of a worldview that combines philosophical, spiritual and mystical notions, but does not meet the criteria of the scientific method, which requires empirical evidence, testable hypotheses and falsifiability. It may be interesting on a symbolic level and useful in a philosophical or spiritual context but does not constitute scientific proof of the structure of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The choices of the number of contextual and non-universal elements (symbolic archetypes representing qualities unlike dynamic interactions in nature for the Chinese), the number of levels and therefore of zodiacal signs are more a matter of cultural and historical conventions than of objective necessity. I find that you validate a model based on its internal coherence and not on external data or observations ("proof of the pudding" or "the proof is in the results").

Ecliptique. :)
As Jup says,:-


'... In no other area of astrology is there so much mess and confusion than in the area of the so-called "houses". There are at least twenty or thirty different house systems or means of division into twelve segments of life activity. Commonly known house systems are:

Whole signs(oldest)
Equal House(1st century BC)
Porphyry(3rd century AD)
Alcabitus(6th century)
Campanus(13th century)
Regiomantus(14th century)
Placidus(17th century)
Koch(20th century).
Others include: Meridian(Midheaven)
Svarogish, Krusinski
and so on."
There are many methods, i'm not one to comment as i don't use a house method, but the angles of the Earth at location, or Cross of Matter.
However you will have to give examples of known celebrities to show how this system works.
I don't see any Kabbalah in this though, please advise.
I'm dealing with cipher's and codes below regarding Shakespeare, 3 pages:-
Your comments pasted below:-
"Here's another school of thought, rooted in Kabbalist thinking but expanded by myself. The gravity clock, as seen in the movements of planets, is the physical framework used to synchronise the evolutionary pressures arising from the world behind the world. The planetary principles are dynamic sources of organising energy. Their meaning, as with the Signs and Houses, is found in The Logic of Life, the astrological equivalent of the Tree of Life - the dynamics of the living world.
Unity is integral to this system - the twelvefold structure, as I have expressed in another thread, is derived from 'the roots of unity', where unity is synonymous with Identity - each twelvefold structure represents some level/aspect of identity.
Astrology is a logical system and so is fairly easy to understand, but the underlying source of astrological effects - not so much. That's where the mystery remains - the future acts on the present to bring itself into being. That is definitely beyond the reach of current science!
Astrology is part of the spiritual world - the simplest part."