One thing I'm curious about, though. This website says we already had a Grand Conjunction in Libra in the early 1980s...
In fact, it appears that if this table is right, there were actually three Grand Conjunctions in Libra...
One in 1980, and two in 1981. So, by that logic, wouldn't 1980 to about 2000 have been a worse time than 2000 to 2020? Most people I know say that the Year 2000 Election or 9/11 is when things started going wrong. So, wouldn't that imply that whatever energy we saw from around 1980 to 2000 was a preview of what's to come, and the 2000 Grand Conjunction in Taurus was a temporary reprieve from that?
Then again, the previous Taurus cycle was very close to the start of World War II, and the Capricorn cycle before that was the start of World War I... It's like, I can definitely see Saturnian energy being kind of rough in some ways, but I also find it hard to believe the Air signs are going to bring anything worse than... well, the last two World Wars. You know what I mean?
It could be that the Air signs are going to be bad in a different way than the Earth signs were. If the Earth signs were associated with global wars and fear of nuclear annihilation, then perhaps the Air signs will mostly involve other types of disasters, like the Y2K bug or COVID, that cause restriction and make it difficult to live our daily lives. The next grand conjunction isn't far from when the Unix 2038 bug is supposed to become a problem for older mainframes... hmm.
Oh, wait, I just saw when the Black Death was... the last time there was a Grand Conjunction in Aquarius! Maybe Aquarius in particular tends to bring that kind of thing about...
Anyway, this thread is very interesting and has given me some new concepts to chew on.