Astrological Parts. Known and Unknown...a project

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Wish more astrologers would study the parts and knew about the significant ones in their lives.

If someone has a planet that influences them strongly, and it passes over a significant part of theirs, they are most certainly going to feel it.

Neptune crossing over my part of soul was one of the most significant transits of my life.

Lilith recently left the degree of my part of destiny, and part of omens& signs, at 13 sag.

Thankfully it passed without wreaking TOO much havoc. (i have a natal lilith mc conj so it was bound to make its presence known..) but it was interesting; its been real. Coast is clear and its smooth sailing. :cool:
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I have added a name in red lettering to that of the formula Asc. + Sun - Uranus which has been known by two titles I have found to my own personal satisfaction to be erroneous, those of Individuality and Intellectuality. As the formula is the opposite of that for the Part of Catastrophe, which is a well proven title for that Part's formula then it only stood to reason that the opposite formula thus symbolically demonstrates that which one must activate in someway so as to avert a catastrophe... and at present it appears to be it refers to what catastrophe might come along after we have left this life behind. In other words, that which will avert a future catastrophe that works against the legacy that we left behind... or whould have left behind if we had done our dharma righteously.

So, for want of a better title, [or maybe I should say, for want of a better title as so succinct?] I have added the name "Surety" in red as a proposal to replace those names the Part presently is known by.

The definition of "Surety": the state of being sure or certain of something. If anyone can come up with a better title please submit it. While I like the word "Surety" I'm not entirely satisfied with it and "Anti-Catastrophe" seems a bit awkward and possibly mis-leading.

For more about this Part and why I believe it needs a name change and what research I've done and evidence to support please see my thread ,"The Part of Individuality, the opposite of Catastrophe?", at this link:
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I just added three additional Parts. One required a new category, that is "Anything else as the 'personal point" I used the icons::parsfortunae::northnode::southnode::bandit: as part of the header for the new category. I thought the :bandit: to be whimsically appropriate as for the reason, 'God only knows what all might yet get put in this category?'

All three of these newly added to the list Astrological Parts are said by author Robert Zoller to have been used by Al-Biruni for horary purposes. [From Zoller's noteworthy book, "Arabic Parts In Astrology, A Lost Key To Prediction"] There are more such Parts listed by Zoeller and I will get around to adding them when I have had sufficient time to check them out. Some are of the same formulae already given above but with different title or titles meaning the same thing just phrased differently. What I had listed solely as the Part of Partners Mr. Zoller has it listed as an Al-Biruni Part, used for horary purposes, titled as the Part of Marriage. I added the title "Marriage" to it with the notation that it was used by Al-Biruni for that purpose [Marriage] in that manner [Horary].

That added to the new category is the Part, or Lot, of Battle. is is derived from the formula, Hermetic Lot of Victory +Moon - Mars [LATE EDIT: This is an error see post # 247 below as it is not the Hermetic Lot of Victory that Al-Biruni used]

Part of Secrets. It is derived from the formula Asc. + Cusp of the 10th House - Lord of the Ascendant.

Part of Freedmen & Servants: [I don't know what use it might presently be good for but it is worthy of mention as it may apply to those in ones employ or have use for astrological research and reference. Although, if you're very wealthy and can afford servants...ehh?] It is derived from the formula; Mercury + Saturn - Jupiter.
[There is also another Part with a very similar formula titled Part of Lords & Masters in which the Moon is substituted for Mercury at the Personal Point. I figure that I'll add that one as well and will update the list as soon as I make this post]

So, there will be four newly added Parts today, not three as I initially wrote.

All of these newly added Parts above are for both diurnal and nocturnal use, according to Al-Biruni by word of Robert Zoller.

Acknowledgement and due gratitude to Mr. Zoller for his many contributions to the "Science" of Astrology over the years.
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I added Asc. + Cusp 7th - Saturn to the list as another formula for a Part of Divorce. We now have two listed as such.
A note of thanks here to member Dubyadude for supplying us with that information.

My part of divorce and separation is 8' 50" Scorpio, oddly it is the astrological degree of pregnancy and childbirth. Anything having to do with the part of divorce in Scorpio is really bad compared to having it in most signs. I believe in my case, it would relate to a woman leaving a failed marriage or disastrous relationship when she wants to start dating and have a new romance with me.
My part of divorce and separation is 8' 50" Scorpio, oddly it is the astrological degree of pregnancy and childbirth. Anything having to do with the part of divorce in Scorpio is really bad compared to having it in most signs. I believe in my case, it would relate to a woman leaving a failed marriage or disastrous relationship when she wants to start dating and have a new romance with me.

It could be worse, my Part of Divorce is near exactly opposite my natal Venus. Though I presently adhere to only exact conjunctions effecting a natal Part [by "exact", I mean within a one degree orb of conjunction] anytime any transiting influence conjuncts my Part of Divorce it is also in opposition to Venus.
The Libracentre Arabic parts calculator had 2 parts of divorce: I used the 2nd: ASC+Venus-cusp 7th house = It is in 3' Libra in my cusp 4th, the house of family, the mother and children; and my parents were divorced when I was 7. And it is my IC caught between Saturn/Lilith in 25' Virgo range and esp. Pluto.
I made an error in my thread yesterday in regards to Al-Biruni's Part of Battle. It is one of eleven Parts that Robert Zoller listed in his aforementioned book, "Arabic Parts In Astrology..." which are given the additional instruction, [ibid.] "These Parts are cast at revolution of the year and at conjunctions". Thus it should be apparent to all that those eleven given Parts are not for natal chart derivations

In addition it is not the Hermetic Lot of Victory that Al-Biruni was referring to as to use for the "personal point" but an altogether different formula of Asc. + Lord of the 7th - Sun. In parenthesis below the words, "Lord of the 7th" are the words, "Degree of the Descendant". I am quite sure that what is meant is that one should use the Lord of the Sign the degree of the Descendant is found in and not use the coordinates of the degree itself. I know that is obvious to a good many of you, and possibly all, I just want to make this as clear as possible by doting all the 'I's' and crossing all the 'T's'. It is obvious to me, as it should be to all, that what is being given here is the information that one shouldn't use the position of Venus which is considered by "Traditional" astrologers to be the natural ruler of the 7th House. I will also add this other formula for Al-Biruni's Part of Victory to the list.

[I personally don't give any credibility to the assigned hierarchy of "rulers" presently assigned to the 12 Houses. I also don't believe Aries should be considered to be the natural Sign of the 1st House of the "natural Zodiac". For mundane considerations, likely yes. But, in regard to natal charts [of human-beings] I believe that Virgo is the natural Sign of the 1st House beginning with the 30th degree of Virgo and culminating at the last degree of the 12th House with the 1st degree of Libra as that is the sequence of order when following the 360 degrees in regards to the process of transformation pertaining to spiritual evolution by the order of the 360 Sabian Symbols as they apply to the Zodiac.

Presently, I still use all the Parts that utilize House Cusps as they are given by published sources and, when instructed to, the Rulers of the Signs those House Cusp degrees are found to be within... that is to say those that have proven themselves to be valid. I've found a good many to be so at this time and have yet to find any that are decidedly not valid.]

Al-Biruni does have the Hermetic Lot of Victory among the Astrological Parts he utilized and but it is given a different title, that of, the "Part of Triumph". [LATE EDIT: That is in error. It is not the Hermetic Lot of Victory but a Part derived using the Part of Fortune as the "Trigger" and not the "Part of Soul/Spirit". I am doubtful of the formula amounting to anything regarding a "Triumph". I implicitly trust the Hermetic Lots and thus have to give the credibility for an Astrological Part regarding "Victory", or "Triumph" to the formula attributed to Hermes. I don't have any idea presently what Al-Biruni's formula will produce but am planning on experimenting with it to see what I can determine, if anything.] It is also one of the eleven He gave instructions for as to be cast at revolution and at conjunctions. Apparently He believed it could be used for horary purposes in that manner. As to whether He used them for natal derivations or not is something I don't know at this time. I doubt it though, as birth times were rarely given any accuracy before the mid twentieth century and GPS coordinates for location of birth were surely, almost always, without any accuracy at all. Natal Horoscopes are only, relatively, recently being cast and consulted again. Some consider them to be a modern invention. They were surely known in times of great antiquity and obviously were yet still known of, and the manner in which to interpret them, to those known as the "Magi" at the time of the birth of the Nazarene, Yeshu'a/Jesus.

I will make the necessary corrections to the list right after I post this.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.
Apologetically, ptv.
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My part of marriage (ASC+7th cusp-Venus) is 27-28' Aries.


I have to keep an eye out on a future wedding is a regaining of a lost thing in my life in front of someone who is rather disappointed (my family or hers?) - Is the wedding supported or approved by anyone I know? or it's against morals or ethics of somebody who won't speak in the wedding or to forever be in silence?
My part of marriage (ASC+7th cusp-Venus) is 27-28' Aries.


I have to keep an eye out on a future wedding is a regaining of a lost thing in my life in front of someone who is rather disappointed (my family or hers?) - Is the wedding supported or approved by anyone I know? or it's against morals or ethics of somebody who won't speak in the wedding or to forever be in silence?

Why are you deliberately being ambiguous as to the location of your Part of Marriage. It is in either one degree or the other.
Maybe you've forgotten that I have your natal chart in my files and can give the precise coordinates? It's 27* Aries 37' 46" and that is decidedly the 28th degree of Aries. I have natal Mercury at 27* Aries 57' 02", Imagine how I felt when I realized it was my dharma to write a book and give live, unscripted, interviews on the radio, knowing that the Sabian Symbol for my natal Mercury, the planet that governs how one communicates is... [ibid.]

The necessity for mature preparation and self-criticism.

We see here the tangible results of the situation evoked by the two preceding symbols. Great hopes, excited expectations cannot be sustained. The last symbol reveals the performer's state of consciousness; in this one he is actually made fully aware of having promised - to the many elements of his own personality as well as perhaps to other human beings - more than he was able to deliver. The issue is how to handle this situation. In one form or another, it is an often recurring situation in the life of an individual person. The manner in which it is met determines the individual's future possibilities of development and achievement.

This is the third stage of this five-fold sequence. What is implied here is the need to be more than 'obsessed by potentiality' and subjectively involved in the use of the new powers. The objective results have to be considered, i.e. what this use will do. The individual is not alone concerned, for in a sense mankind as a whole will be affected. What is required, therefore, is an objective inclusiveness of the whole environment; thus a sense of
RESPONSIBILITY for what one's actions will produce in people who have been made to expect significant results.

For a Part of Marriage, I'd say that the symbolism is telling you to know what you're getting into, that is with full sobriety and complete maturity, and above all, do right by her and make both families proud and happy.

The Sabian does say, according to Dane, that when you make a promise, you had better be able to deliver, otherwise don't do it. Wedding vows are of the highest order of promises
Just a note to all that I added alternative titles, from a list found at International Astrology [I took screen shots of the entire list some time ago and I don't recall what the remainder of the website might be named, or if that is all it is so named? This addendum should have been done at the time, I apologize for my tardiness. I only got as far as to those that begin with the letter "E". So there are more listed that I have yet to go through. Thank you for your patience. It is a work that seems forever in progress.]

...and an alternate formula for the Part known as "Death of Brothers and Sisters", [Which I reluctantly add as I don't have much belief, if any at all, in the existence of Astrological Parts concerning death, and I must disapprove of the use of any even if they do exist due to my religious beliefs.] which is Asc. + 10 degrees H3 - Sun. [as to 10 degs. of H3. I assume means the 3rd House and as for the 10 degrees, I am assuming whatever the 10th degree is counting the cusp as the first of those ten].

There is also title for, what had been listed as to the formula but having "Unknown" listed as the title. Asc. + Mars - Part of Fortune; Debilitated Bodies, [which sure sounds, to me, as if it is strictly for horary and, or, predictive astrology.... as the formula falls in with those that are known as the Hermetic Lots and this given title just doesn't seem to fit in with those others. imho, of course]

These alternative titles are as follows.
Number of Bros. & Sisters: Asc. + Saturn - Merc.
Buying & Selling: Asc. + Part of Fortune - Moon [one of two, now]
Cucumbers & Melons: Asc. + Saturn - Merc. [I kid you not.Probably for the use of farmers and gardeners and surely of no natal horoscope use]
Despair, Penury, Fraud: all given for, Asc. + Pof Fortune - Pof Soul/Spirit
Disease: Defects & Time of Onset: both Asc. + Mars - Saturn [Hermes] and Asc. + Mars - Merc. [Ancients]

I also removed some suggested alternative titles for the Part of Fortune, as it surely isn't about worldly goods, money, wealth, and the like, in my experience of 37 years of study and findings and I hope that one day a more appropriate title be given that Part with a resounding consensus among astrologers. But selling suckers such dreams as becoming wealthy, or keeping their wealth, is about as old a come on as selling maps to buried treasure and the like... so that will likely take a long, long, time yet to come. I also rewrote most all of my comments that follow the listing of that Part and did give a possible suggestion for a future re-christening. As I have found it to be about "Fortuitousness" and not about a fortune regarding wealth and such, and what Degree Symbolism has proven to me as how to interpret and apply the Part, I wrote the following and I did state that this is in regard to using Degree Symbolism in conjunction with Astrological Parts, [I also made my remarks concerning Part of Soul more concise and, hopefully, clearer for understanding as to what I am trying to "get across"... I have enough trouble with writing about the mundane, the plain, and obvious, and trying to write about the abstract just daunts me.]

As to the Part of Fortune, it has been repeatedly showing itself to be literally in many cases, or virtually regarding the more abstract in description, of the symbolism of the Zodiacal degree it is found in, of that action, or mental precept, or cultural attitude, one must actively employ so as to provide the most 'Fortunate' circumstances for ones spiritual progress and evolution in this lifetime. It is what puts one on, or maintains, the 'Sagacious Path of their own Dharma', to coin a phrase. It is that which will provide the path of surety to ones' destiny.

Thanks for your interest, support, and constructive criticism. Special thanks to those that contribute their own findings and observations regarding Astrological Parts. There are still quite a number that have yet to be given appropriate titles for natal astrological use, or any evidence that their given titles are appropriate for the same.
I reassessed the formula Asc. + Jupiter - Pluto, and eliminated a couple of proposed, alternative, titles, and wrote the following in the list and in the footnotes. "I surmise it to be something rather as to Destructive Philosophy, Destructive Growth, Destructive Gifts, or Contrariness. Or it could be: Elimination of Philosophy, {a purging of some beliefs for the bettering of the Soul}]"

... and in the footnotes, "Benevolence / for Jupiter - Pluto... as Pluto is the Higher Octave of Mars & as Jupiter - Mars = Discord, this seems erroneous. [It would depend on the individ. as to whether this Part is more of a destructive influence or that of one that is of a reconstructive influence.]"

Opinions, objections, support?
All welcome.
Thanks for your continued interest.
I just added a Part that I should have back in December of 2015.
It is a Part that I conjectured must exist and got my clairvoyant friend Clarisse to confirm its existence.
I tentatively suggested the title of the Part of Aspiring Redemption at the time.
The thread I initiated on it is at this link.

Suggestions for a more appropriate title are most welcome. Experimentation is encouraged and let me know of your findings, please?:smile:
I've added two new ones.
They're not really Parts from what I can tell but they are derived from a similar type formula. They are called Points, and they are:

The Point of Trauma, derived from Asc. + 8th House Cusp - Mars/Uranus midpoint.

The Point of Death Axis, derived from Asc. + 8th House Cusp - Mars/Saturn midpoint.

I tried both of them out on the chart I produced, am convinced of, and also contend, that it is the natal chart for Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth.
What I found is rather interesting concerning the latter, the Point of Death Axis. You can read, and see, the results in the thread in this sub forum for Astrological Parts, it is titled "The Point of Trauma", here at this link in post #7:
I've added two new ones.
They're not really Parts from what I can tell but they are derived from a similar type formula. They are called Points, and they are:

The Point of Trauma, derived from Asc. + 8th House Cusp - Mars/Uranus midpoint.

The Point of Death Axis, derived from Asc. + 8th House Cusp - Mars/Saturn midpoint.

I tried both of them out on the chart I produced, am convinced of, and also contend, that it is the natal chart for Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth.
What I found is rather interesting concerning the latter, the Point of Death Axis. You can read, and see, the results in the thread in this sub forum for Astrological Parts, it is titled "The Point of Trauma", here at this link in post #7:

I deleted my posts in the above mentioned thread. You can learn of the reasons why, at that thread, in the post I made after I deleted them.
I debated over whether or not to delete those points from my list as well. I decided to leave them in there, as I did make note that they are not really Parts/Lots but rather fixed points and that their effectiveness is highly questionable. I also have let them remain for the reason that this thread is meant to be an academic approach and I can't let personal bias, even if it is based in morality, become an obstacle to that end.
Well, it seems that I can no longer update, change, edit, etc. et al, anything in the list of Astrological Parts/Lots in the first post in this thread due to the new format. As posts are limited now to a measly ...what is it? a thousand words?, that doesn't sound right, but whatever it is, it's too dan little and posts that already existed that have more than the new limit were somehow given a "pass", but they can now never be changed in any manner...other than deleting most of the post in order to establish it below the limit... but then, why would anyone do that so as to add something that was missing? You would then have even more that would be missing... [ouch...Brain Freeze... Ow, Ow, Ow....]
As like what I ended up doing regarding my thread in the degree symbols sub-forum, i.e. "The Birth Char of Jesus?", when I discovered that after the new formatting was installed that the essential chart for the topic itself somehow didn't manage to make he transition while everything else was still intact...including the images of charts not nearly as so important, I started a new thread with the same title but with the added word "Revised" , and broke up that first post into five [or six...whatever the final count was?] separate posts, so as to ensure that the image of that birth chart can still be seen by members and guests, here at the forum, alike.

But, I have so much on my plate at present. I now have health issues which are preoccupying about everything else in my life. A surgery scheduled this coming month and an expected 7 to 9 months of follow up procedures that, to be honest, are seemingly overwhelming.
I'll be 70 years old next May and had I known in my youth that I was to live this long, I might have taken better care of myself.
Coupled with the rate of inflation, my rent here doubling in the last 7 years, and that my lack of a credit file prevents me from even getting another landlord to consider me for tenancy, along with having to sell my beloved truck last month as the cost of maintaining it, and the insane price of a gallon of gas, gave me no other choice, and now not having any mode of transportation, along with a notice from my landlord that my rent will increase by, yet another, 10% next March... whew... I might not be writing anything here for some months ahead, if ever at all anymore afterward... especially for the reason that there is always inherent danger in having any kind of surgery..
So, I had hoped that this thread would continue on well into the future, even after my demise someday. That has now "gone out the window", so to speak.
I gave it a good run... but now... I wash my hands of it.

Pray for world peace.
Prema Nam, Sat Nam
PTV, I've calculated all the lots that you provided except the 3 additional lots that isn't used in natal charts and only used in horary (My AC + Jupiter - C5 lot is in 26°24' Libra, my AC + Saturn - Sun is in 4°06' Aries, my AC + Neptune - Sun lot is in 24°30' Leo, because I forgot to write the degrees out).


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New part:
Part of Autism: Moon + Mercury - Jupiter (by CapAquaPis)
PTV, you need to check this part in Jesus' chart to see if this part is true or not