Interesting interpretations. I enjoy reading your ruminations, particularly on the astrological parts.
My understanding suggests Cayce was a medium for entities desiring to help humanity, but as the universe is ever changing, he couldn't bat 1000. No one does.
Of course, this will send many screaming, but I've always perceived Freud as a covertly-financed, lecherous, misogynistic, homophobic cokehead with unhealthy designs on his momma.
Hebrews 1 described Lilith as being created simultaneously with Adam. She refused to lay beneath him, being of high independent spirit, and was relieved of him to fly off to the desert. She is an archetype of a powerful woman. Her behavior is expected, predictable, and consistent. Anything less is delusional.
The description of woman as being soulless is a mouldy device for dehumanizing, and thus devaluating women. Even with the introduction of our artificial moon, this sabotage still doesn't succeed.
Naturally, you can cite thousands of years of documentation supporting your theories. Self-serving agendas buttress each other according to the tyrant of the age. Opposing works are summarily burned, buried, destroyed.
If you'd like, you can seek out Masonic origins, through the Jesuits, to the creation of the Vatican, and it's subsequent creation of Islam, which backfired badly. The House of Rothschild perpetuates this agenda. Part of what was torched in the ancient library of Alexandria, and undoubtedly incalculable sources we are left only glimpses of, are the substantiation of my argument.
First, youtube started yanking evidence of the ancient program to enslave humanity, now does it. It's out there, it's just hard to grab and keep without high tech tools. Remember who owns everything. They'll remind you, should you forget. Until 5G erases your memory altogether, that is.
Fragments of matriarchal societies abound, and are misinterpreted by (programmed) 'scholars'. Most ancient lore is prefaced 'Before there was a moon', suggesting less-than-divine intervention in human affairs. A serious analysis of human DNA in comparison with that of that of bizarre remains left by visiting humanoids, expose the fact that humanity is not natural.
There is more evidence of Earth being used as a way-station than you can shake a stick at, but we forfeit autonomy to being 'good believers'.
Studies into ancient Chaldea, the Sumerians, and discoveries just coming to light regarding Antarctica and the Kalahari desert, also offer alternates to the accepted, unquestioned dogma thrust forward for millennia.
While I gladly seek out knowledge, I repudiate all insinuation that autonomous, intelligent adults should submit to any ostentatious theatre leaving little in it's wake but suffering and subjugation.
Stay tuned- it's just getting more interesting!