USA Nov. 2020 Presidential Election, the Democrat Party Contenders

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Didn't Georgia do a recount?

J.A. posts every Trumped up fraud allegation anyone anywhere posts on social media. These are all just hypothesized scenarios though, and to prove it in court, they would need some real evidence, not just theories.

Today, Trump declared "we're at war!" and labeled another somebody or other as an "Enemy of the People".

There's a disturbing story going around that Pence "convinced" Trump not to unilaterally start bombing Iran. Probably just another "troll the Libs" joke.

Huh, I wouldn't be so sure. I do remember going over Trump's natal chart back in early 2016 and that I found something in his chart that conjuncts the USA natal chart's Part of War... or something very much as like that... it may have involved Trump's Part of War/Rage? I do remember that it showed a potential danger for Trump getting caught up in an emotional sway of the public opinion and that there was/is a potential danger that He could easily cause this nation to do something just as like what's being alleged here.

I posted about this in that very same thread that I predicted Trump would win the election back in January of 2016, and possibly soon after I posted that too. It has been a concern of mine ever since then.
I have been giving the president some amount of praise for not getting the nation involved in another war since He took office. Perhaps the praise should go to his advisors?
Leah Hoopes, a Republican poll watcher from Pennsylvania
tells her experience
of what she witnessed :smile:
while doing her duties on election night
as votes were being counted
for President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

I have a link to a video that is only on video via facebook... at least that I know of? It's a group of Republican overseers being denied access to the vote count for reasons of COVID concerns, yet there were apparently plenty of Democrat overseers inside at the time.

I don't know what State it was in, or anything else about the video, but it doesn't appear to be staged
...and the beat goes on...

In the network news, on tv at this time, there's no mention of any of the above allegations, only more rhetoric [as it is so obviously biased] about "futile attempts" to overturn the election.

If the media didn't display such obvious bias to begin with I might be more inclined to believe your protestations, David... but considering the media's record these past four years and that they don't even mention any of the above recent allegations has me leaning heavily towards the Republican's allegations being true at this time.
If they can be so easily dismissed then why isn't the media doing so? They're not, in fact they are quite obviously ignoring them.

I would think that Coomer's disappearing act would at least be mentioned in the news.?
I have a link to a video that is only on video via facebook... at least that I know of? It's a group of Republican overseers being denied access to the vote count for reasons of COVID concerns, yet there were apparently plenty of Democrat overseers inside at the time.

I don't know what State it was in, or anything else about the video, but it doesn't appear to be staged
...and the beat goes on...

In the network news, on tv at this time, there's no mention of any of the above allegations, only more rhetoric [as it is so obviously biased] about "futile attempts" to overturn the election.

If the media didn't display such obvious bias to begin with I might be more inclined to believe your protestations, David... but considering the media's record these past four years and that they don't even mention any of the above recent allegations has me leaning heavily towards the Republican's allegations being true at this time.
If they can be so easily dismissed then why isn't the media doing so? They're not, in fact they are quite obviously ignoring them.

I would think that Coomer's disappearing act would at least be mentioned in the news.?

They (network news sources) do constantly dismiss the "massive fraud" allegations as "unproven", meaning in a court of law, rather than in the court of public opinion. That's their keyword "unproven", and extra judicial testimony as "not under oath".

Just today, a judge in a U.S. Court of Appeals denied a request to block the Pennsylvania Election certification. And, the network news was quick to label the judge as a Trump apointee and a Republican.
They (network news sources) do constantly dismiss the "massive fraud" allegations as "unproven", meaning in a court of law, rather than in the court of public opinion. That's their keyword "unproven", and extra judicial testimony as "not under oath".

Just today, a judge in a U.S. Court of Appeals denied a request to block the Pennsylvania Election certification. And, the network news was quick to label the judge as a Trump apointee and a Republican.
Trump Wins Arizona State Legislature Integrity Hearing :smile:

Where Legal Team Will Address Electors

So, one down... there's still plenty that needs to be addressed, however.
So, one down... there's still plenty that needs to be addressed, however.

I got tired of fact-checking everything J.A. posted and finding it rated "false". I always look at more than one fact-checking site, so it got tedious.
REF: Biden photo "alienated"?

I saw him on TV standing in front of that wall with the "ears" or so it appeared to be.....quite funny :lol: reminded me of an elf?

They are saying on Twitter, he acts "deranged" here: (I agree after watching it on tv) :annoyed:

Isn't it January yet?

I missed his speech. If you think He was acting deranged, then that does give me all the more cause to worry about his state of health, both physically and mentally.
Kamala may get the "throne" a lot sooner than I had initially thought.

There's one thing, though, I'm just dying to know...
How many hours a week Biden spends in a tanning booth?

I didn't think that twitter allowed non subscribers to see anything posted. I gave it a shot and found that you were referring to Trump and not Biden's speech.
My bad, but you could have been a bit more "clear" in your post. It's the kind of thing that does get rumors started. I didn't perceive Trump as being "deranged" however, just his same old ego getting rankled a bit.... so, what else is new?
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Having failed to convince actual judges in actual courts of law, Giuliani is currently engaged in attempting to convince the Republican-dominated State legislators to bypass the Popular Vote and appoint Trump Electors instead of the Popular Vote Electors pledged to Biden.
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I missed his speech. If you think He was acting deranged, then that does give me all the more cause to worry about his state of health, both physically and mentally.
Kamala may get the "throne" a lot sooner than I had initially thought.

There's one thing, though, I'm just dying to know...
How many hours a week Biden spends in a tanning booth?

Leomoon combined two separate topics in one post.

The "elf ears" one was about Biden (I like "Vulcan ears", myself).

The "deranged" one, which has a video to go with it, is about Trump.
I got tired of fact-checking everything J.A. posted and finding it rated "false". I always look at more than one fact-checking site, so it got tedious.

So, overall how is JUPITERASC'S batting avg. at present?

I shared a number of the videos Jupe posted today and if the batting avg. is less than .500, at least, then I'm going to have to be completely discretionary from now on.
I should mention that I've yet to see any "findings" claiming the others that I shared today to be false... as of now, 6:30 pm PST.
So, overall how is JUPITERASC'S batting avg. at present?

I shared a number of the videos Jupe posted today and if the batting avg. is less than .500, at least, then I'm going to have to be completely discretionary from now on.
I should mention that I've yet to see any "findings" claiming the others that I shared today to be false... as of now, 6:30 pm PST.

There's been a few small, inconsequential legal wins for Trump that were posted. Now, there's an important one that's true, once you get past the optimism that it will actually amount to anything. It's the one about Giuliani TRYING to convince State legislators in the 4 hotly contested contests to dump the Popular Vote entirely, and simply assign their Electors over to Trump.
So, overall how is JUPITERASC'S batting avg. at present?

I shared a number of the videos Jupe posted today and if the batting avg. is less than .500, at least, then I'm going to have to be completely discretionary from now on.
I should mention that I've yet to see any "findings" claiming the others that I shared today to be false... as of now, 6:30 pm PST.
Georgia: 30 Examples of Voter Fraud
Compromised Voting Machines?
Sworn Witness Testimonies :smile:

There's been a few small, inconsequential legal wins for Trump that were posted. Now, there's an important one that's true, once you get past the optimism that it will actually amount to anything. It's the one about Giuliani TRYING to convince State legislators in the 4 hotly contested contests to dump the Popular Vote entirely, and simply assign their Electors over to Trump.


NEW Lawsuit on Flynn Unmasking by Deep State
Fauci Emails on COVID
Biden-Burisma Corruption :smile:

There's been a few small, inconsequential legal wins for Trump that were posted. Now, there's an important one that's true, once you get past the optimism that it will actually amount to anything. It's the one about Giuliani TRYING to convince State legislators in the 4 hotly contested contests to dump the Popular Vote entirely, and simply assign their Electors over to Trump.

This^ is the only important one. I noted that back in September and October, the State legislators involved ALL said essentially "never under any circumstances" would they violate the Popular Vote if it was certified by the canvassers and signed by the Governor. Now we'll see if they meant it.
Having failed to convince actual judges in actual courts of law, Giuliani is currently engaged in attempting to convince the Republican-dominated State legislators to bypass the Popular Vote and appoint Trump Electors instead of the Popular Vote Electors pledged to Biden.

See? I said that might happen and it just might actually get-awayed with.

I heard through one of JUPE's video that the Sate of [I think it was Pennsylvania that was spoken of, if not then it was either Georgia or Wisconsin, that the State legislature there long ago gave up the power to select, or at least certify the selection, [Notice the lack of focused attention I have to this matter at present. I'm sick of the whole affair, but it will apparently go on until I literally begin to vomit from just hearing the mention of it.] of Electors to the Secretary of State, of that State, and that they will have to have a referendum [I think it was? or whatever a State legislature has to do in such a case?] to restore to that State legislature the power to select and, or, certify its own State's electors. The source that was presenting the video seemed to believe that it was without question that it will do so and will chose Electors that will vote Republican...seeing as how both House s of that State legislature are controlled by Republicans.

I'm most apt to believe... to still believe in fact... those, aforementioned words of Yogi Berra, of whom I quoted a few posts ago.

r.e. "It ain't over, 'till it's over."
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Is the phrase, "got-awayed with" proper grammatically?
Should I have rather written "it just may be gotten away with"? as the word "gotten" is past tense.
Perhaps, "It just may be getting away with"? ...No, that sure doesn't sound correct, either.


Somebody may yet steal away with this election... [How's that?]
Is the phrase, "got-awayed with" proper grammatically?
Should I have rather written "it just may be gotten away with"? as the word "gotten" is past tense.
Perhaps, "It just may be getting away with"? ...No, that sure doesn't sound correct, either.


Somebody may yet steal away with this election... [How's that?]

Here's a Trump Tweet on the day that Mars stationed Direct, Nov. 13th:

For years the Dems have been preaching how unsafe and rigged our elections have been.
Now they're saying what a wonderful job the Trump Administration did in making 2020 the most secure election ever.
Actually this is true, except for what the Democrats did. Rigged Election!

Here's a reply from another Tweeter, Virginia Philo, that same day:

Dude. It can't be both true and false. Pick one.
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