Anyone actually believe in Muses?

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:uranus: is being referred to as the "higher octave" of :mercury:.

Notice the similarities in these archetypal lineages:

The Roman god Mercury was a son of Jupiter and grandson of Saturn.
The Roman goddess Urania was a daughter of Jupiter and granddaughter of Caelus (Roman name for Ouranos).

So, if Mercury can have his name associated with a planet and be a sign dispositor, why can't Urania?
Actually, consider how appropriate it is for a planet literally discovered by astronomers to be named for a Roman goddess specifically KNOWN for inspiring astronomers?
Just need to point out that the Muses were NOT biblical angels, nor were they faeries or sprites. They were actual GODDESSES, daughters of Olympian god Jupiter and Titaness Mnemosyne, goddess of Memory.

And, one of those Muses, Urania, was specifically the goddess of astrology/astronomy. Which explains why the planet :uranus:, that rightfully should have been named for her, is known as the successor to Mercury as the inspiration for (Modernist) astrology.
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So, by naming the planet :uranus: for Urania, she becomes an important member of the planetary hierarchy. Why not? She's as qualified as Mercury in Greco/Roman lineage.

And, best of all, the name of the planet itself is recognizable as "Uran", which works for both the ancient Latin name "Urania" and the modern English name "Uranus" (which is derived from the ancient Greek name, "Ouranos")!
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I do-for me they are a type of spiritual creature similar to angels.
For me the spiritual creatures exist in hierarchies; the lords of the planets occupy a different hierarchy than the ancient muses, and so too the various angelic & intelligences orders.
Yes, most books about the western esoteric tradition talk about the concept of hierarchy; eg, gods/goddesses, angels, intelligences, elementals, fairies, spirits, etc.

Yes, and this great Neoplatonist was hacked to death by an enraged Christian mob, ending the glory days of old Alexandria…
Ms Houlding has made very valuable contributions to our art; personally I can’t stand her, and I was banned from her site years ago; nonetheless, her works have been of stellar quality and I thank God she chose to grace our ancient art.
Yes-it was my eclectic approach; I am a mongrel, but it works for me, and that’s my justification.
Although I don't literally pray to the goddess Urania or have a shrine dedicated to her like the ancient Greco-Roman astronomers and astrologers did, I have felt her guidance whenever I have a surprising revelation about astrology.

Urania, the "Muse of astrology and astronomy", is, BY DEFINITION, the source of heavenly inspiration for astrologers and astronomers.

And, just as Hermes/Mercury, ancient god of alchemy, communication and transportation, is domicile-ruler :mercury:of Air-sign Gemini; Ourania/Urania is domicile-ruler :uranus: of Air-sign Aquarius.
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I only seem to connect lately w/ spirits/energies of animals, which is very strong, esp. birds. They do guide me, giving me information when I seem to need it most. Angels and goddesses and the like seem so "far away" from me.
The Ancient Greeks had a lot of people who could literally see "Nature-spirits" in trees, rivers, and in the sky. For them, the gods and goddesses were actual beings.
The Roman Catholic Church allows belief in spirits, both good and bad, and people who could actually see angels were considered holy, at least in the early centuries, and possibly even today.

But our culture has gotten so materialistic during this astrological Age, it's generally considered that people who can see these things must either be tripping on a psychedelic, or have "gone off of their meds".

[Carl]* Jung predicted the ancient ability to see spirits of all sorts would return during the Aquarian Age, because the "Collective Unconscious", now hidden below the surface of the conscious level, is going to reveal itself.

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The Ancient Greeks had a lot of people who could literally see "Nature-spirits" in trees, rivers, and in the sky. For them, the gods and goddesses were actual beings.
The Roman Catholic Church allows belief in spirits, both good and bad, and people who could actually see angels were considered holy, at least in the early centuries, and possibly even today.

But our culture has gotten so materialistic during this astrological Age, it's generally considered that people who can see these things must either be tripping on a psychedelic, or have "gone off of their meds".

Karl Jung predicted the ancient ability to see spirits of all sorts would return during the Aquarian Age, because the "Collective Unconscious", now hidden below the surface of the conscious level, is going to reveal itself.
Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss
I wish I could hear animal’s thoughts but then I have had other experiences. Like, when I’ve asked God for help, I’ve felt it.

Also had a strange experience once of being lifted out of my body. Only once though.
Their linguistic brains are very different from ours, so I imagine hearing their thoughts would feel a bit like goosebumps.
Yes, most books about the western esoteric tradition talk about the concept of hierarchy; eg, gods/goddesses, angels, intelligences, elementals, fairies, spirits, etc.
Edgar Cayce the prophet of the last century said they all did exist and do exist. I believe they do too. I did see an angel once as did my sister but we were very young probably around 7 yrs old and 9 and raised in Catholicism, so that is how we referred to what we saw in our bedroom window in my mother's home. It was a reassuring figure.

I'm not sure what we saw in my grandmother's house but she had a spooky house. My cousin lived there and experienced the same things we did as children. In grandmother's home, she had a house built over 100 yrs prior, with a curved long staircase, and all of us recalled "flying" down the steps because ??told us we could. I don't recall what the ?? was, but my sister (then age 50s) recalled them as children she saw that no one else did. Rather spooky like I said, egging her on telling her she could do it. I only recall doing it down the final flight of the steps (no pun intended) Our female cousin recalled the same incidents when my sister asked her years later because she also lived there with her family. Strange goings on. The railings were both iron. Part of the house built during the Civil War or the War of the States as some refer to it.
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With :uranus: as Urania, (the goddess & Muse inspiring astrology), as the ruler of :aquarius:,
tremendous astrological knowledge will become available during the Aquarian Age!

I have Urania (which I'm saying is the correct, ancient Latin name for :uranus:, rather than the modernized version of the ancient Greek name Ouranos) in :gemini:, Mercury's domicile-sign.

So, I'm willing and able to make well-considered changes, where logically required, in conventional astrological thinking to correct what I consider to be fundamental mistakes. And, the misnaming of :uranus: by an important 18th Century astronomer, John Bode, was such a mistake. I believe that naming the additional planet for a goddess, even though appropriate, was prevented by the Male-chauvinism of the astronomical community.

The world's astronomical community somehow knew it was wrong, and couldn't agree to break the tradition of using all Latin names for the planets for nearly 80 years.

Finally, after the discovery and naming of the planet Neptune, they acquiesced and settled for the mangled, masculine Greek name Bode had chosen for the first planet beyond Saturn.

It's clear that the Aquarian Age will be accompanied by the rise of the Feminine Principle, and :uranus:as a female deity explains it.
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Their linguistic brains are very different from ours, so I imagine hearing their thoughts would feel a bit like goosebumps.

Wow that’s an interesting thought! When they sit together, it looks as if they are communicating with each other, I just can’t hear it.
I have Urania (which I'm saying is the correct, ancient Latin name for :uranus:, rather than the modernized version of the ancient Greek name Ouranos) in :gemini:, Mercury's domicile-sign.

So, I'm willing and able to make well-considered changes, where logically required, in conventional astrological thinking to correct what I consider to be fundamental mistakes. And, the misnaming of :uranus: by an important 18th Century astronomer, John Bode, was such a mistake. I believe that naming the additional planet for a goddess, even though appropriate, was prevented by the Male-chauvinism of the astronomical community.

The world's astronomical community somehow knew it was wrong, and couldn't agree to break the tradition of using all Latin names for the planets for nearly 80 years.

Finally, after the discovery and naming of the planet Neptune, they acquiesced and settled for the mangled, masculine Greek name Bode had chosen for the first planet beyond Saturn.

It's clear that the Aquarian Age will be accompanied by the rise of the Feminine Principle, and :uranus:as a female deity explains it.
That's the reason why Uranus/Urania is pangender! Your Uranus squares mine by sign, so it's interesting to talk...
I don't believe in Muses, but I do know them as a source of inspirstion and Urania is my favorite. She is really fitting to :uranus:'s characteristics, so I see the reason DS renamed it as Urania.
For DS: My :uranus: is in :pisces:, Neptune's domicile sign and the transiting :uranus: in :taurus: is sextiling my natal :uranus:, It's a nice transit this year!
Reason that I don't belive in Muses is that I believe in Source, the Source of Life and I don't have freedom to believe in the mythological characters (they're archetypes, of course).