An Unknown Part of Intrigue, Asc. + Venus - S. Node Moon

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Oct 12, 2007
Alta California
I recently replied to a fellow forum members thread on his observations as to sexual orientation.
As I took it upon myself to study his natal chart I found some observations of my own that I thought that He'd find of interest and while in that process I suddenly had an epiphany that perhaps a past life might have something to do with a orientation towards bi-sexuality in the present.

This is mainly because the late renowned 20th century clairvoyant, whom I study the readings of so much, Edgar Cayce, once said in a reading that the reason so many were being born in his time with homosexual tendencies was because they were reincarnated souls that had fought in the Civil War in America [United States] and that their present, at the time, orientation was a karmic lesson. All things considered it is a prime example of why we must all both tolerate and respect another persons sexual orientation regardless of of what we may have been raised to believe otherwise.

As I am convinced their can't really be any sexual attraction without Venus being involved it struck me that a Parts formula Asc. + Venus - S. Node of the Moon might give some indication of past life influence on present affections of the Venus principle.

What I derived from said members' natal chart is the 26th degree of Leo and that happens to be the same degree of the Tropical Zodiac in which I found the Part of Love & Appreciation to be for the one I derived from the natal chart I produced which I am convinced is the true natal chart of Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth [see my thread in the Degree Symbols sub forum "Birth Chart of Jesus?]. It is also the Part of Love and Appreciation I derived from the chart of "Miss X", the woman that I met that gave me the inspiration to look what a chart so produced on the date Edgar Cayce gave as the true birth date of Yeshu'a/Jesus when Pluto conjunct the descendant ...which is what produced that natal chart. "Miss X" was subsequently determined by a most reputable clairvoyant to have been one of the two nannies, said by Edgar Cayce, that Yeshu'a did have as a babe.

While my initial thoughts were that said member may have known Yeshu'a during his lifetime as well or perhaps spent a lifetime in devotional service to His teachings, said member didn't address my suspicions.

I had to see what this unknown but very much a legitimate Part, would derive when applied to the charts of other people I know that have proven themselves to have been in association with Yeshu'a/Jesus in his lifetime.

There is but one other Part that is known of, presently, that uses a Node of the Moon in it's formula. It is the , so called, Part of Addiction and is derived from the formula, Asc. + Neptune - S. Node.

From my own chart I got 25* Cancer 07' 57" and while it is in the subsequent degree it is conjunct to my Part of Ancestral Heritage by less than a one degree orb at 24* Cancer 28' 12".

The result I got from applying it to the chart of Yeshu'a is 24* Cancer 11' 55" and is conj His Part of Retribution at 23* Cancer 40' 18" ... I should note that it is said by two very reputable clairvoyants that I was Judas in that past life but am presently a direct descendant of either Joseph of Arimathea or James, brother of Yeshu'a, both whom allegedly settled in around the Glastonbury area of England in 42 A.D.

From the composite chart I cast of my and Yeshu'a's natal chart that fomula produced 24* Cancer 47' 00">

There is a thread here in the forum of mine about my friend Malakye whom in a past life cost me al my worldly possessions in a past life when I was away and left my home in his care. We were in association with the Templar cause and may in fact both been Knights Templar. What I derived from his natal chart is 00* Sag. 48' 26" and that is conjunct my natal charts Part of Increase & Benefits. He is incarnate in this lifetime to make amends for that costly mistake of his in a previous lifetime.

I also tried this experiment on fellow member PhoenixVenus' natal chart. PhoenixVenus and I have a remarkable synastry and composite chart produced that in turn when applied to the natal chart of Yeshu'a has produced some astonishing results. She is said by the same reputable clairvoyant to have known Yeshu'a/Jesus quite well...quite well indeed... and what was derived from Her chart is in the 30th degree of Scorpio which so happens to be hers' and mine composite charts' Part of Destiny.

So, I will continue on with this experimentation and I do feel. think, that it definitely has something to do with a past life of ones' soul and how it affects Venus in the present.

I wanted to share this now as I never know just how much longer I will be at this endeavor given that I'm getting up there in years now. Hopefully when my time comes to move off of this mortal plane someone, someones, will continue on with the work I've laid the foundations for. The birth chart of Yeshu'a will eventually prove itself worthy of the title I gave it, that being "A Template of True Astrological Understanding"... hence why I titled my book about the chart , "A Template For The Time".

That you for your interest and continued support, ptv
For anyone that is interested as to what the Sabian Symbol for the 25th degree of Cancer is, from Dane Rudhyar's wonderful book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala", that is:


The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors.

We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing his life problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the 'mantle of power', the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

In this fifth symbol we witness a more transcendent expression of 'success'. It is not merely external success (as is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT."

That is the Sabian Symbol for my Part of Ancestral Heritage.
Lots of food for thought in your post, thank you.
I'm struck by this sentence, "Edgar Cayce, once said in a reading that the reason so many were being born in his time with homosexual tendencies was because they were reincarnated souls that had fought in the Civil War in America [United States] and that their present, at the time, orientation was a karmic lesson."
Are you sure about this? You must be since you say you study him a lot. But, sorry, it does sound like a clinker.
According to this statement, early 20th century homosexuals were born that way as a type of penance for a previous life? Why not be reborn as slaves then? Or pacifists? What does homosexuality have to do with this?
Just asking, not contesting.
Lots of food for thought in your post, thank you.
I'm struck by this sentence, "Edgar Cayce, once said in a reading that the reason so many were being born in his time with homosexual tendencies was because they were reincarnated souls that had fought in the Civil War in America [United States] and that their present, at the time, orientation was a karmic lesson."
Are you sure about this? You must be since you say you study him a lot. But, sorry, it does sound like a clinker.
According to this statement, early 20th century homosexuals were born that way as a type of penance for a previous life? Why not be reborn as slaves then? Or pacifists? What does homosexuality have to do with this?
Just asking, not contesting.

He said that it was a lesson to be learned in brotherly love.
I am rather fairly certain it has to do with specifically how any animosity was displayed though.
I've read so many books on the late Mr. Cayce it may take some time to locate the quote.
If I can find the reading number I'll post it.

If I'm unable to find it I'll email the A.R.E. as they will know in what reading it was said.
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I thought that I should add that when I applied this formula to the natal chart of the USA that I use...and which has proven itself well to my satisfaction to be the legitimate natal chart of the United States [The "Zero Hour" chart 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, Penn.] what I derived is 17* Virgo 08' 08" which is conjunct and in the very same degree as the Part of Soul derived from the same chart at 17* Virgo 18' 24".

While using this formula in application to a mundane chart in the same purpose may be a bit of a stretch, it being a legitimate Part by right of the inherent components will produce something in a similar vein of association.

That is also the same sign and degree that is produced by one of the four Part of Hyleg formulae when applied to the aforementioned natal chart of Yeshu'a., specifically the formula Asc. + Natal Moon - Post Natal Full Moon = 17* Virgo 25' 34'.

It is also what is derived from my own natal chart when one of the four same Part of Hyleg formulae is applied to my own natal chart, specifically. the pre natal New Moon at 17* Virgo 34' 35". The natal chart of Yeshu'a and my chart produce the same Signs and degrees in the mirror opposite formulae of the pre natal and the post natal Moons and the Full Moon that occurred in between... go figure.

Of added interest the positions of the pre natal New Moon, the pre natal Full Moon and the post natal New Moon that occurred at my time of birth are the exact same three Signs and degrees that Phoenix Venus and Yeshu'a produce for Parts of Hyleg derived from their composite natal chart.

So, you can see, how this stuff works when you're karmically tied up together.... it boggles the mind, is what it does.

The Post natal Full Moon is also one to consider as for what I found it produces but it is the New Moon to New Moon cycle that is the big KEY to greater understanding.
See my thread, "The Part of Hyleg, The King of Parts" for more about that matter.

For those of you that are curious just what the Sabian Symbol for the 18th degree of Virgo is [ibid.]

: The ability to contact deeper recesses of the unconscious psyche and sensitiveness to psychic intimations and omens.

The Ouija board is to be considered here a modern device similar to many ancient instruments used for divination and prophecy. Certain states of threshold consciousness are stimulated by such a use, and what the experience produces may vary greatly in quality and in origin. The release of unconscious material has lost the explosive force pictorialized in the preceding symbol, yet at this stage there is still no conscious and willful control over what reaches the ego-consciousness.

This is the third stage of the thirty-fourth sequence of symbolic phases in the life process. It is at best a stage of transition which stresses a passive openness to the unknown. The glamour of it may subtly pervert the mind of the aspirant; but in some cases, this can be the first manifestation of INNER GUIDANCE. The difficulty is to correctly evaluate what or who does the guiding."
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Pierce, you're referring to my thread on natal charts and the person's chance of having a LGBT identity. I'm not bisexual, I mentioned I identify as both male and female. I'm a heterosexual, then I realized to identify as genderfluid will lead me to find another name for it: gynophile (attraction to women/females).
Pierce, you're referring to my thread on natal charts and the person's chance of having a LGBT identity. I'm not bisexual, I mentioned I identify as both male and female. I'm a heterosexual, then I realized to identify as genderfluid will lead me to find another name for it: gynophile (attraction to women/females).

I apologize for being absent from the forum for so long. I've a lot of personal issues that arose in December that are the primary cause. Two friends, here in California, lost their homes due to fires in the regions of Malibu and Paradise. My clairvoyant friend, Clarisse Conner, lost her home and place of business in the fire that destroyed most all of Paradise. It may seem ironic that a woman of such remarkable clairvoyant ability didn't foresee the catastrophe that struck her home and that of so many of her friends and neighbors and I certainly do find it to be somewhat ironic but I have to believe that it is the way in which God intended for it to be and didn't want any interference with what was planned. I know for a fact that there are many in that area and nearby around Oroville in the mountainous regions just East that are avowed Satanists as my longtime friend, Malakye [whom is identified as "Mitch", in my book] bought some property and a house nearby Oroville about two years ago and has explored the area quite extensively since moving there and has discovered evidence of and has even seen first hand Satanic rituals mostly in the region known as Tabletop Mountain.

Malakye is quite adept at what a person might describe as "magic" and I am referring to the "real deal", here...He doesn't pull rabbits out from a hat or saw people in half. Years ago, at the onset of our "relationship" He was far more the adversary than what anyone would likely describe as being "a friend" and I was targeted by one of his rituals and even though I was able to identify what resulted as being the result of such a type of ritual and was able to defend myself from it and even turn it back upon Him it was a most unpleasant experience and caused me a certain degree of physical discomfort and I doubt there are many in this world presently that would have survived had they been the target as it may have taken too great a toll physically but certainly would have destroyed many a person psychologically and mentally as the power that was unleashed and directed as a weapon was of such an unearthly nature it would likely cause most people to be driven to a state of "madness".

I'm quite happy and pleased to say at this time that Malakye has since "seen the Light" and no longer uses his knowledge to harm others for his own gain or for vengeance as He did eventually realize that my being dedicated to and an upholder of Gods' law and will is what both saved me and became his bane to deal with.
Malakye has recently informed me that every area He knows of that has been used for "Dark rites" was burned "clean" and God only knows how many people that employed such rites perished in that fire... and I'm quite sure that God does know. ... Hallelujah... HARIBOL.

Now, as to this thread and CapAquaPis' reply.
I'm glad that you looked into this thread of mine and clarified this matter pertaining to you. I asked a number of people that I know what they thought the term "gender fluid" meant and everyone of them took it to mean someone of a bisexual nature... and that is exactly what I took it to mean also.

To Elena; I'm sorry to say that I haven't yet taken any time to try to find the reading from which Edgar Cayce spoke about homosexuality and how it was the result of karma acquired during the United States Civil War, in the 1860's. I will once again, say that it is most definitely something that Cayce did say and it is in a published work and I have a strong notion that I read it in Thomas Segue's book, "There Is A River", which is a biographical account of the life of Edgar Cayce. Thomas was the college room mate of Edgar's son.

If it isn't in Segue's book then it is likely in the book written by Jess Stern, "The Sleeping Prophet".

I now now have decided that the best means to determining as to where that quote can be found is for me to write to the A.R.E. and ask them.

I'll get back to you all, hopefully in the very near future, with what further information I have.

Pray for peace on Earth.
To CapAquaPis.
By a most odd occurrence, in that I was doing some reading on subjects and that my interests in those subjects had nothing to do with astrology ,,,andit was a long session as I'm known to sometimes "get into"...just freely flowing from one subject that I find in tangent to another ... I ended up reading the wikipedia biography of Caitlyn [nee Bruce] Jenner.

In the chapter, or sub-section, so titled as "Gender transition" There is written about his interview with news journalist, Diane Sawyer [of CBS "Sixty Minutes", fame]. In the account of that interview [although it may have been from an interview with Emily Yahr, of the Wasington Post...wikipedia is a terrible reference source as for citations] Caitlyn is quoted as saying: "... [she] has never been sexually attracted to men, but always to women, and that, keeping in mind the difficulty people have understanding the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity, she will identify as asexual for now."

...I can only further say that there is much about this subject that I am ignorant of.
Are you sure of Jesus Christ's birth chart?

What I know is the birth chart still speculations.
I am as sure as I live and breathe this very moment.
Fellow member PhoenixVenus helped me create a video last Spring for youtube in which I do the narration to which she created a slide show that came together rather well.
I do feel it needs to be redone, though. I'm not entirely pleased with my own contribution and I think the slide presentation could be done a bit differently. For one thing the chart is never displayed in the video and I had to add a link in the comments section to direct interested viewers to this forum so as to be able to see it for themselves... which, then again, may actually be more to our advantage than I thought at first.
I do know that youtube certainly hasn't been promoting the video as for the slow accumulation of views it got the first six months. I haven't even bothered to check on that number since early November and I ought to do so and in fact I will this evening.
At the same time youtube has been very much promoting some fellow byt the name of Giancarlo something or others' own video in which He claims to have discovered the birth chart of Jesus calling it the "Holy Grail of Astrology".
I'll take that compliment as I suppose it certainly could be called as such's just that His chart is absurd both as to the date of birth He gives in the year 29 A.D. and astrologically....but His video predates as to when it was posted to the one PhoenixVenus and I collaborated on by about only six months yet He had well over 30 or 40 times the viewers and a long list of comments by viewers that gave him high praise...yet very much suspicious as they were all, pretty much for the most part, comments posted at or soon after He posted the video with nothing having been added since.

...I'd almost suspect the Jesuits behind such a prank... maybe I should?

Wow, I just checked on our video and found that it has only 133 views since it was posted last March 25th.
That means that that Giancarlo fellow has well over a hundred times the views I have gotten... definitely some sort of censorship/repression going on as to this matter.
...Yeah, that's about "par" for this course...
...but, then again, PhoenixV did post it when Mercury was retrograde... I don't know what she was thinking at the time. I do know that she had gotten rather "burned out" on astrology and was looking forward to the hiatus she has taken since the beginning of last Summer. Perhaps she just wanted to finish the video and be off from this study, this "cause"... as she found out for I have mentioned a number of times and did so warn Her, that this knowledge, i.e the true birth data for Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth and the truth it reveals, both as to true astrological practices and as to whom the Man from Naz actually was as revealed by the birth chart is a threat to a number of very powerful institutions that likely will use any means possible to suppress it and probably eventually will.
...use any means, that is... good luck to them in trying to totally suppress it.

I have taken some pretty hard "hits" for my involvement in this and PhoenixVenus reported that she had been assaulted, in a manner of speaking, for her involvement in the cause as well.
I do hope that she is alright and enjoying life somewhere as I write this. She's a beautiful soul and was most helpful and she contributed new understandings, herself, that she was able to derive from working with the birth chart...that I doubt that I would have ever realized and likely would have never seen if not for Her involvement.
She help me edit and revise my book to which I've added a couple of chapters and she has written one for it too, herself. She will get a co-authorship recognition on the book if I can find a new publisher willing to accept it. My original publisher closed shop due to lawsuits regarding his business... I believe the claims were that he was selling books "under the table", so to speak.
It's a tough business to be in since the internet arrived.

Here's the link, if you care to watch/listen, to our mutual creation introducing the birth chart of Jesus to the general public and fellow astrologers alike.
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I once read from some vets's post, Jesus was born when there are great conjunction in the sky. And the great conjunction happen when it was late spring. I don't know what is the counter thesis yet. Did you have it¿
I once read from some vets's post, Jesus was born when there are great conjunction in the sky. And the great conjunction happen when it was late spring. I don't know what is the counter thesis yet. Did you have it¿

yes, I'm aware of the "theory" it's b.s. mostly promoted by astronomers to come up with an explanation for the "Star" of Bethlehem. The most popular one is the stellium in 7 B.C. which was a very l o o s e stellium...were as they were so loosely arranged apart there's just no way they could have appeared as looking like a single star.
The Magi were master astrologers and knew the ancient prophecy well [of His coming]. They knew what they were looking for and it dang sure wasn't any stellium.

My chart is the "Real Deal" friend. Work with it and get to know it. You'll be miles ahead of the rest of the pack when you begin to understand it.
Alright, post the chart, then. :biggrin:

I see by your "moniker" that you were born with a Sun conj. Uranus aspect.
That is quite something as my favorite astrologers handbook, which is titled just that, written by Sakoian and Acker...two remarkably perceptive astrologers whom wrote about the metaphysical proclivities some aspects do bestow...and boy were they ever correct about a Pluto conjunct Ascendant aspect... spek very highly of the Sun-Uranus conjunction. I know of only one person, personally, that has such an aspect and his conjunction is at about a three degree orb. If you have such a conj. withing a half of a degree orb..and I'm referring to either of the two, then you surely must have had some remarkable experiences because of it.

I have come to the conclusion that any conjunction of any of the planets, luminaries, etc. to anything else... and that includes House cusps, especially the four axis points ... is when the attributes bestowed by a conjunction get "turned up to full burner".

I'll watch for your posts in the future as I'm interested, very interested, in Sun - Uranus conjunctions.

It's been my pleasure this evening to have met you.
It is posted and has been for over 10 years.... dang, no wonder this endeavor is still trudging it's way uphill...
I've also got one that I've proposed is that of the Virgin Mother, Mariam/Mary.

It's got a lot going for it and I'm rather convinced it is Her chart but as to the one for Yeshu'a/Jesus, I haven't the slightest doubt.

Here's the link...

Omg thanks :biggrin: this is not actually why I learn in astrology. I need more time to analyze this chart in correlation to the Holy Bible.

The way I read your thread, you are supporter of Jesuit, right¿¿¿
I see by your "moniker" that you were born with a Sun conj. Uranus aspect.
That is quite something as my favorite astrologers handbook, which is titled just that, written by Sakoian and Acker...two remarkably perceptive astrologers whom wrote about the metaphysical proclivities some aspects do bestow...and boy were they ever correct about a Pluto conjunct Ascendant aspect... spek very highly of the Sun-Uranus conjunction. I know of only one person, personally, that has such an aspect and his conjunction is at about a three degree orb. If you have such a conj. withing a half of a degree orb..and I'm referring to either of the two, then you surely must have had some remarkable experiences because of it.

I have come to the conclusion that any conjunction of any of the planets, luminaries, etc. to anything else... and that includes House cusps, especially the four axis points ... is when the attributes bestowed by a conjunction get "turned up to full burner".

I'll watch for your posts in the future as I'm interested, very interested, in Sun - Uranus conjunctions.

It's been my pleasure this evening to have met you.

Well I might think, your praise is little bit hyperbole. I'm new to astrology, currently reading the translation of Anthology by Valerius Valens. My Sun-Uranus and Mercury-Neptune are in exact degree and both are Aquarius and Capricorn respectively (tropical). Some said it's indications of "Genius" but I'll tell you something contradicted, I'm two times drop out-er both in High School and College. :crying:

Nice to knowing you too. :biggrin:

I see by your "moniker"
that you were born with a Sun conj. Uranus aspect.
That is quite something
as my favorite astrologers handbook, which is titled just that, written by Sakoian and Acker...
two remarkably perceptive astrologers
whom wrote about the metaphysical proclivities some aspects do bestow...
and boy were they ever correct about a Pluto conjunct Ascendant aspect...
spek very highly of the Sun-Uranus conjunction.
I know of only one person, personally, that has such an aspect
and his conjunction is at about a three degree orb.
If you have such a conj. withing a half of a degree orb..
and I'm referring to either of the two,
then you surely must have
had some remarkable experiences because of it.
I have come to the conclusion

that any conjunction of any of the planets, luminaries, etc.
to anything else...
and that includes House cusps, especially the four axis points ...
is when the attributes bestowed by a conjunction get "turned up to full burner".
then that's most natal charts "turned up to full burner"
I'll watch for your posts in the future as I'm interested, very interested,
in Sun - Uranus conjunctions.
It's been my pleasure this evening to have met you.
Fact is, Sun conjunct Uranus annually :smile:
every year
on that one day
when the aspect is exact
three hundred and sixty thousand people worldwide
are born with Sun conjunct Uranus
and then
if we
factor in a three degree orb
obviously applying as well as separating
the number increases
to two million one hundred and sixty thousand born worldwide annually
with a Sun conjunct Uranus within a three degree orb
then that's most natal charts "turned up to full burner"

Fact is, Sun conjunct Uranus annually :smile:
every year
on that one day
when the aspect is exact
three hundred and sixty thousand people worldwide
are born with Sun conjunct Uranus
and then
if we
factor in a three degree orb
obviously applying as well as separating
the number increases
to two million one hundred and sixty thousand born worldwide annually
with a Sun conjunct Uranus within a three degree orb
Yes, I'm quite aware of the number of births that take place on Earth at any given moment.

The fellow I know that has that Sun Uranus conj. within three degrees has other aspects in his chart that bolster the proclivities endowed by such a conjunction, too.

It's when these planets get within a half degree orb of perfect conjunction as to when people born really get the flow of these energies bestowed.

Yeshu'a/Jesus was likely born with a perfectly exact Pluto conjunct Ascendant aspect. He also was born with a Sun Uranus conj of a bit over a three and a half degree orb.
I've posted what Sakorian and Acker had written about that Pluto Ascendant conjunction in a natal chart. I also speak of it in the video I provided a link for and it is in the book I wrote also.
As to what the two of them wrote pertaining to a Sun Uranus conj. I've written and posted in the forum about that too, but I'll give a brief, abbreviated, recap of what they wrote as I'll have to pare it down to keep it within the 100 word limit imposed by the forum.

From the book by Sakoian and Acker " The Astrologer's Handbook".
"...the ability to delve into the higher-frequency planes of mind by applying their will Thus they can experience, understand, and work with what are generally termed 'occult forces', forces expressed primarily through new and untried ways of doing things. They will act powerfully, suddenly, and decisively. In the eyes of people that do not understand their purpose, they seem unpredictable and eccentric.
[they].... are not necessarily subject to ordinary limitations. The means they use are based on a higher law or, more correctly. on a more advanced understanding of the One Universal Law. Thus, they are often called geniuses."

As Yeshu'a/Jesus also had that Pluto conj. Ascendant aspect and in perfect conj., I believe...certainly within 15' of a degree anyways.... He had what might be described as an unbelievable amount of 'Will Power"... I think most people will agree with that even if they aren't believers in astrology. Thus, as the two authors wrote that these recipients of the proclivities of the Sun Uranus conj. have the ability to delve into the higher-frequency planes of mind by applying their will... imagine just how far, how high, how much, the Man from Nazareth could delve into his mind and the Universal mind... just imagine, as that is about all most of us can do.

I should have mentioned that just as Edgar Cayce stated a number of times and to which I agree, most people are born with a limited number of the planets that they are influenced by. A study of the entire readings given by Edgar showed that on an average most people are influenced, astrologically, by only 3 to 6 of the planets out of the 9 known and, scratch "likely" and make that ... 'definitely' more planets as to in reference as to those yet to be [re] discovered by humankind.

I will point out here to all that JUPITERASC is a "Traditional" astrologer that doesn't acknowledge the influence of the planets that lie beyond Saturn.
IN MY HUMBLE OPINION it's a loss to her and a detriment to her abilities as an astrologer to believe that.
I am influenced by all the known planets and likely more...Uranus has been the most influential planet on me in the near 66 years I've been on this earth followed by the influences of Neptune, Pluto and Saturn.
I was born with a Saturn Neptune conjunction that is within a half of a degree orb...nearly within a 15' of a degree orb... and you should read what Sakoian and Acker wrote about that! What they wrote applies to me 100%

So, getting back to SunConjunctUranus, here... it may be that Uranus is of no influence on you?
Then again people that have such proclivities often can't handle the ways and means of formal education nor the institutions that practice them either.
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