Well-known member
Thank you!
I'm just to find a way to use my Disruptive Power for good.
You'd better...
May you be twice blessed in your efforts if you do.
Thank you!
I'm just to find a way to use my Disruptive Power for good.
Last week, I had a free past life reading based on my natal chart, but I need to subscribe and pay for an extended version with more information, details and understanding. It described I had been a female ruler of an European country in the 19th century, most likely in France (my father's homeland) and I can think of Josephine, the empress and wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. And the reading said a full moon in 2nd house in Leo indicates power, wealth and prestige in this past life, therefore a co-ruler other than limited to just being a spouse.
8th degree in the 8th house or 8th degree in the 8th sign, esp someone has both!: what a fatalistic mark on our natal charts, this is the true mark 6-6-6.
And even more special if you have a planet in 8th degree in 8th house and conjuncts the ruler of the 8th sign (either Mars or Pluto) (I have this, and it's my chart ruler in 8th degrees in 8th house conjunct Pluto!). And I also have a 7-7-7 too, because my Sun is in 7th house, in a Libra, the 7th sign's degree and conjuncts ruler of the 7th sign of the zodiac, Venus.8th degree in the 8th house or 8th degree in the 8th sign, esp someone has both!: what a fatalistic mark on our natal charts, this is the true mark 6-6-6.