An Unknown Part of Intrigue, Asc. + Venus - S. Node Moon

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Last week, I had a free past life reading based on my natal chart, but I need to subscribe and pay for an extended version with more information, details and understanding. It described I had been a female ruler of an European country in the 19th century, most likely in France (my father's homeland) and I can think of Josephine, the empress and wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. And the reading said a full moon in 2nd house in Leo indicates power, wealth and prestige in this past life, therefore a co-ruler other than limited to just being a spouse.

Looking back at the posts I've made in the AW forum over the years, there's another person who claimed to have been Empress Josephine in her past life, also here in the USA. Veronica of Cleveland? Now a YT influencer. No politics for her. In Ohio, USA. Huh, a psychic spiritual medium healer. Funny she hadn't posted her natal it the same birth date like mine? Veronica of Cleveland doesn't post much of her biography. Her other vid tells the story of how she became a believer in reincarnation.
And on Leap Year day 2020, I read this guy died (in age 84) in a newspaper, Jack Welch, an American (originally from Massachusetts) and CEO of GE, and is believed to have been the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in a past life.

2 different people alive now(?) had a previous life of being married to Napoleon...and what made these 2 people (Veronica and I) live differently now? To shy away from politics; or in my case, have a liberal Democrat viewpoint. And I'm a 42-year-old person living in So CA USA having fixed-income issues. Veronica wants to live her life, and I do mine. Was there another person claiming to be Napoleon Bonaparte? Looks like it's one (someone proposed it would be Vladimir Putin or Adolf Hitler), but there's a woeful lack of evidence in reincarnation research on who else was Napoleon. There was research in the 1970s of an Irish woman named "Bridey Murphy" to had memories of early 1800s France as a powerful female co-ruler by the name Josephine among other past lives the person had. ("20 year old test subject in Ireland in 1975").
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8th degree in the 8th house or 8th degree in the 8th sign, esp someone has both!: what a fatalistic mark on our natal charts, this is the true mark 6-6-6.
8th degree in the 8th house or 8th degree in the 8th sign, esp someone has both!: what a fatalistic mark on our natal charts, this is the true mark 6-6-6.

You do know that the number, or numbers, 888 is that of the Christ, and is from the same source that says 666 is the number of the Anti-Christ, don't you? That source being Gnostic Christian beliefs. [not to be confused with Jesus/Yeshu'a of Nazareth, the man in the flesh, whose number is 33, and became One with the Christ. Mary/Mariam, the "Virgin Mother" having the number 55.]

Also keep in mind that "Arabic numerals" weren't even known to Europeans until around the 12th century. What that fellow saw in his dream that became the book of Revelation most very likely weren't Arabic numerals.

Having been clairvoyant in the dream state all my life, I'd wager dollars to donuts that what was seen in that dream was Hebrew letter equivalents.

,and btw, the Hebrew letter the 'Vav' is the equivalent to the number 6, and the Vav is what is we English speaking folks call the "W'
8th degree in the 8th house or 8th degree in the 8th sign, esp someone has both!: what a fatalistic mark on our natal charts, this is the true mark 6-6-6.
And even more special if you have a planet in 8th degree in 8th house and conjuncts the ruler of the 8th sign (either Mars or Pluto) (I have this, and it's my chart ruler in 8th degrees in 8th house conjunct Pluto!). And I also have a 7-7-7 too, because my Sun is in 7th house, in a Libra, the 7th sign's degree and conjuncts ruler of the 7th sign of the zodiac, Venus.
Notes: I said about the Nikola Stojanovic's degree, not Sabian degree