Thanks Pierce! That's great effort from you to explained it.
Wishing well
Thank you, writing is certainly not my forte and in fact I'm rather terrible at it. But I've been writing almost daily since September 2008, which was six months after my book was published as I realized, at that time, that it wasn't getting promoted by the publisher and it was very much just languishing for want of any attention. Thus I started writing at one astrological forum after another. MSN had an astrologers forum with a small membership and I wrote there at first but it was shut down permanently about four months later. I posted at astrodienst until I had trouble with getting my account to function, which I never did figure out, and, as I was new to the internet and never bothered to read the rules of that forum, when one of the other members suggested I open another account I naively did so and was promptly banned permanently. I was set up and fell for it like a dunce.
I was run off from Skyscript as Debra, the site creator and administrator, allowed me just one post on the subject of Sabian Symbols and from there after claimed anything further I had to post was "a duplicate posting" ... her way of saying "get lost".
I was posting quite a bit at for the three or so years it was online. It was a forum of which the membership was primarily the most notable astrologers in the world and it was by invitation only unless you petitioned for membership with a statement of why you believed yourself to be qualified. It was a forum to share techniques between the many various schools of astrological practice. The title ACT stood for Astrological Conference on Technique. By the time it was, one day, suddenly taken offline I had over twice as many posts as the next nearest member [around four hundred and some odd number of posts to around 180 posts for the next member and from there it dropped down well shy of a hundred posts for the next few members. I believe I am the primary cause for the reason it was shut down.
My posts were getting views numbering in the thousands while the rest of the members weren't even getting half as many for most of their postings.
I was challenged on a few of my techniques...primarily the use of astrological Parts in predictive astrology and when I posted links to the three predictions I made back in 2014 that all came true on the exact dates I gave ... it wasn't very much time afterward when the forum disappeared.
Those predictions I made were based on the chart I contend is the true natal chart for the USA which is another issue altogether, a matter of contention between myself and an enormous number of astrologers as most all astrologers disagree among themselves, anyways, as to when the USA
was given birth. It was a simple matter for me for the reason that I use the Sabian Symbols and the symbolism they provide for the chart axis and Astrological Parts for the USA, from that chart, are so 'spot on" in their symbolism as to the affairs of the four points of the chart axis, and the Astrological parts derived from the chart, as in regard to the degrees of the Zodiac each individual Astrological Part is found to be dwelling in and the corresponding Sabian Symbol given for that degree.I have a thread on the natal chart for the USA, too in the mundane astrology subforum. I also have a number of posts in which I use that chart for a number of astrological techniques and in a number of appropriate subforums.
...and important thing to remember is...
While human beings are not all influenced by every planet... all nations are.
So, getting back to the point I wanted to make; after writing as much as I have during, a little more than, the last ten years, I've improved at it a great deal...imho... yet, I'm sure there are a number of people that will cringe at my remark about 'being improved greatly'... which actually goes to prove just how awful I was at it to begin with.
I owe a ton of gratitude to fellow forum member ImNotThere for his friendship the last nine years, or more, as He is a master of the English language and all things pertaining to proper grammar and such. He was but a young lad, a student in grade school when we first corresponded and yet He possessed a vocabulary more than twice that of my own...or it certainly seemed to me as to be that large. He has since graduated from a university, a major university I should say, and he is not only noted but even celebrated for his writing in the academic world and in literary circles. He has been both a patient instructor and helpful critic and a source of great inspiration for me as to make a concerned and steady effort at improving my skills.
I should have mentioned to you that Edgar Cayce did say that "every angle to the ascendant" is of influence to everyone. What that implies [more than implies, it was a statement made to assure those familiar enough with his manner of speaking while in trance to understand him.] is that every astrological Part that utilizes the Ascendant as the "Personal point" is of influence on a person. I derived from that, that if the Ascendant as the "Personal Point" is of influence then any House cusp used as the Personal Point also must be of influence and that has very much proved itself to be correct as to this day... but I do recommend, in fact I should say that it is imperative, that you only use the Placidus House system when consulting House cusps and apparently even the great Rudhyar had never fully realized it is the Placidus system that is the only one to use as He was using the Campanus system...which doesn't vary very mush but just enough that one will eventually find it to provide the correct information. That came to light with the natal chart of Yeshu'a/Jesus as for using the Campanus system gives a 12 house cusp in the 3rd degree of Virgo while the Placidus gives the 4th degree and as the Sabian Symbol for the 12th House cusp will provide symbolically what that persons' answer to the greatest problem they see as confronting the world it was an easy choice as to which system is correct.
I'm rather sure that I wrote of Yeshu'a's 12th House cusp in my thread on His birth chart and you can read about it there...if I didn't I know that I speak of it in that video that PhoenixV and I made. But, I suppose I should expain it briefly here, also.
The Sabian symbolism for the 4th degree of Virgo, as given by Rudhyar in his book on the Sabian Symbols, is:
"BLACK AND WHITE CHILDREN PLAY TOGETHER HAPPILY. KEYNOTE: The overcoming of socio-cultural prejudices. ." and the summation he gave to his analysis and interpretation is, [ibid.] "
At this ... stage [in reference to the process of the cycle of transformation that the 360 symbols represent. ptv]
the basic technique which applies to all truly spiritual progress is clearly stated. Every human being should be seen, approached and warmly met as a "child of God," or in less religious terms as an exemplar of Man. Such a status gives to every social and interpersonal group the character of a
The 3rd degree of Virgo, that which the Campanus system produces for the same data for the Yeshu'a/Jesus natal chart has the Sabian Symbol of [ibid.] "
KEYNOTE: Invisible help and protection in times of crisis"
"Guardian Angels" may certainly be an answer to a number of problems in the world any day and age... I believe that you're likely enlightened enough, you've certainly demonstrated it in your posts, to see for yourself which of the two is the answer that Yeshu'a/Jesus felt was the greatest problem confronting the world in his time and what the answer to it was.
It's basically just a demonstration of another application of the spiritual adage that is universal truth among all the great religions and even to agnostics and atheists alike, too... some, or most, of them anyways, that being; "Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you."
...and it is a principal so easily done, as it requires no exceptional understanding, no gifted insight, and most of the time requires no great measure of effort to do so that it does seem to be as ....mere childs' play, wouldn't you say?
Thus I have, also just, now given you a demonstration of chart rectification using the Sabian Symbols.If you should so happen to follow up with any continued reading of any of my past posts, you'll find that I have often written that the Sabian Symbols are the ultimate tool of chart rectification. When you are unsure of a birth time given as being exact, begin with the two Astrological Parts derived from that chart that you find to be nearest a House cusp, one as to the previous cusp and the other as to the next cusp, and adjust the time to the lesser for the observation as to the Part nearest the previous cusp, until it is in the previous House, and add time as to for the Part nearest the next cusp, until it is in the next House, and then see which Sabian symbol works as to being the most appropriate as to the persona and life history of the person in question. If the original given Sabians that were derived from the given birth time are the most appropriate, then no adjustment is likely needed. But if the one or the other is the more appropriate... as to what is derived by subtracting or adding time to the given time of birth.... then you have got your answer as to whether the natal chart should be rectified and as to how, that is to say by an earlier or later birth time than was recorded.
But don't stop at that point go on to the next nearest and check it in the same manner,,,as there may be even more time need ed to be added to, or subtracted from, the given time of birth.
As to determining how many of the planets are of an influence on you ...or someone you are astrologically evaluating... that will take many years of observation if what has accumulated from life to that time doesn't clearly demonstrate if any planet is or isn't an influence.
Or, you can utilize the assistance of a true clairvoyant but I will advise you to only use such a person if they have proven themselves to you to be bestowed with such a gift beyond any doubts.
I have found from a lifetime of experience [and I am clairvoyant, myself but I am not able to activate it by will.] that a true clairvoyant can almost always see the past and present accurately [that is providing the answer as to what was and what is] but no clairvoyant I know of...not even the great Edgar Cayce, has ever been reliable enough to depend on to provide the answer as to "what will be". The Tanakh, aka The Old Testament , even says to not use clairvoyants, "seers", to try to predict the future but does recommend, in fact it "encourages" one to do so... use the services of an astrologer to provide oneself with the answers as to when the time is right to expect what you seek, or to make an effort in that regard.
The Bible doesn't condemn astrology, in fact the entire Old Testament has been described to me by more than one knowledgeable rabbi as being "the Big Book of Jewish Astrology". The true Kabbalists certainly know and believe it to be as so. Read Isaiah 43:18 and you will find the passage in which the Bible encourages the reader to consult astrology... or more precisely, to consult with astrologers and even provides a recommendation as to what to look for in those you would be better advised as to seek out for consultation.
The Old Testament wasn't meant for gentiles. It has nothing to do with them and has nothing to really offer them either. They should just stay away from it altogether unless they are reading it for scholarly pursuits.,,,that is not only my humble opinion but you will find it to be the opinion of just about every rabbi you might ever choose to ask....and more than likely, I believe, every last one of them.
That's about all I have to say, any further, that can be of help to you.
At least that is all that I can think of at this moment... that is, other than I should add; may your interests in the study continue on and may you grow in astrological wisdom, and remember to...
P.S. I sat down and started to write what I thought was to be a brief reply just as the afternoon playoff game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Chicago Bears was beginning and now there is but 15 seconds left in the game, I just realized, ... I missed the entire game even though it is on the television across the room.
Well, I'm an Oakland Raiders fan and they aren't in the playoffs and in fact they just about totally sucked this past season... ..and the Bears just hit the upright on a field goal attempt with 10 seconds left in the game ...and the crossbar too... and then bounced the wrong way thus losing the game by one point.
Well, I have friends that are Bears fans that will need some consoling this evening. but I did get to watch the most important play of the entire game...the whole game was riding on it.