Listing of all Astrological Parts for the USA, [zero hour July 4, 1776 chart]

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I leave it full for just that avoid personal messages.
if it's that important to you, you can email me at [email protected]
Be sure to put Zarathu in the subject some where so I don't delete it. I get a lot of spam at that account.

I won't disturb your privacy if you've chosen not to receive messages from people. I get the point.
But let's add another twist to the eros/ sn connection:

South node would represent the past, and like you said the founding of a nation. The SN can be considered detrimental however the only way to the north node is through the south node.. through conquering the destructive qualities of the sn.

Our nation was founded in part on the detriment of groups & tribes. Destruction of the native americans. This fits in with the sabian symbol which talks of new men in the nation who don't come from the ancestors of that nation. In order to reach the north node we have to get past the destruction of the family/tribe.
Well I see it as an emergence of a newly and firmly established identity for the common man, that being one that is a member of a Democracy,,, as avant garde and radical as it got in the 18th century as to which France soon followed suit and so did a number of other nations, one by one over the ensuing next two centuries...or at best it may be said that a lot of nations in which the populace was pretty much kept completely under powerful oppressive dictates, Oligarchies for the most part. The birth of this nation was the emergence of the new Acme for Humankind ...The Freeman unfettered, unrestrained given his right to claim a piece of Gods' Green Acre for his home and creating his own ideal of a Government and a society restrained only from restraining others personal Liberty and pursuit of happiness. It was the Age of Reason, of Thomas Paine, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Constantin Volney, paving the way for the likes of Tocqueville, "Freethinkers", Owenites and similar radical or revolutionary ideas about civicism, populism, socialism et al.

The North Node to be the common Karmic Destiny of this nation ...having broken free from threat from so called, self ordained non secular authorities a society free to identify and establish just what or who the genuine archetypes are, those Icons, Avatars or Scripture that are eternally enduring and as clearly perceived as the Stars in the Sky and no longer a society, a people, remaining subject to psychological abuse, terrorism and even worse, actual physical punishment, torture or a gruesome and painful death by one of those very self ordained meglomaniacs that demanded unquestioning obedience, subservience and a good portion of your daily sweat in their charity.
yes i agree with what you say about our founders breaking free of a repressive tribe and establishing a new way. But we see an almost ironic sense of karma here in that other sets of free tribes were ruined because of it.

i think those people involved at the time of the building of america have some karmic debts to pay for the destruction that was almost a bit of a sacrifice for that coming New Age for man, (even fits when you think of pof-sun part that i discussed in the "powerful friends" thread, in light of who is influenced by the nation.) The stepping stones in paving the way for the new Kingdom.

As planets or points conjunct the nodes deal with karmic duties of life progression, America is indebted into the reconstruction of the tribe.... from it's breaking away of restrictive groups to it's destruction of previous groups..

forming groups with the symbol of the nn in mind will bring much power back into the part of eros.

There is such misconception around the term "new age" in cohesion with the term "new world order"

They are completely different things - though almost like a polar axis - opposites of the spectrum of united man (united through oppression & materialism or united through spiritualism)
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yes i agree with what you say about our founders breaking free of a repressive tribe and establishing a new way. But we see an almost ironic sense of karma here in that other sets of free tribes were ruined because of it.

i think those people involved at the time of the building of america have some karmic debts to pay for the destruction that was almost a bit of a sacrifice for that coming New Age for man, (even fits when you think of pof-sun part that i discussed in the "powerful friends" thread, in light of who is influenced by the nation.) The stepping stones in paving the way for the new Kingdom.

As planets or points conjunct the nodes deal with karmic duties of life progression, America is indebted into the reconstruction of the tribe.... from it's breaking away of restrictive groups to it's destruction of previous groups..

forming groups with the symbol of the nn in mind will bring much power back into the part of eros.

There is such misconception around the term "new age" in cohesion with the term "new world order"

They are completely different things - though almost like a polar axis - opposites of the spectrum of united man (united through oppression & materialism or united through spiritualism)

If you're alluding to the Native American tribes, read the symbol for the U.S.A. natal Po Fortune in the 26th of Scorpio.

My brother recently informed me of some information that is either from the Cayce readings of some other source that I'm not aware of.
With the destruction of Atlantis over the the multitude of centuries beginning around 75,000 B.C. [or B.C.E., if you prefer] until the last small portion that remained sank into the Atlantic Ocean at apprx. 12,500 B.C. [B.C.E., if you prefer] The Atlanteans that survived moved either West or East. Those that came to Europe and Africa/Egypt were those of the belief and spiritual practice of what became known in Egypt as the 'Aton' ["The Sons of Light"]
Those that went West were those that Cayce identified as being of, or in liege to, "The Sons of Belial". It was the activities of those that were followers of Belial that caused the destruction of Atlantis.

...anyone that wishes to make accusations or denounce me for what I wrote...please remember, or presently be now informed that I am part Native American
I only just realized that I should include the Part known as 'Ancestral Heritage'. It is derived from the formula, Asc. + :moon: - :uranus:,
For the U.S.A.that calculates to be 11* :virgo: 48' 10"

`KEYNOTE : The penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind.

In contrast to the preceding symbol we have now a scene stressing a physical action with psychological and/or spiritual overtones. In ancient cosmologies the male god often appears in three roles as son, husband and father of the woman element of nature. Nature is fulfilled by the human mind and will that overcome her; she resists only better to be subdued by the power that transcends her, and by transcending her gives her a spiritual meaning. The element of "training" in the symbolic scene comes from the fact that there has been a marriage ritual; thus the sociocultural factor is in the background. The teacher-guru is here the priest who has performed the ritual.

At this second stage the rules are reversed, the masculine element assuming the dynamic positive part in the great play of polarity. The masculine act balances the feminine dream visualization. The Keyword is UNVEILING. There can also be an unveiling of mysteries, long protected by secrecy."

I always knew and believed the nation the USA,

Interesting! My natal mars is 11 deg 45 min Virgo, same sabian symbol for the US Part of Ancestral Heritage!

Plus, my natal Jupiter is 10 deg 12 min Virgo, same sabian symbol for US Part of Sons!

11th degree of virgo

KEYNOTE: The Spirit's answer to the vital needs of whatever became individualized out of its infinite ocean of potentialities.

All cycles of manifestation end in an essential duality of "success" and "failure," as every release of new potentiality at the start of a cycle is inevitably polarized in two opposite directions, becoming sharply differentiated at the mystical "separation of the sheep and the goat." But out of duality a new unity eventually is produced: the child, the new God of a new universe. Subconsciously or consciously, during pregnancy, the mother dreams of the son-to-be and the imprint of the dream in time is revealed in the boy's structural being. The true disciple must become the Mother of the living God and should eventually fulfill the great need of humanity and of all his people. MAN is constantly renewed through the great dreams and sacramental pregnancies of all disciples of the One Master.

This is the first stage of the thirty-third five-fold sequence of phases of the cycle. At this stage the power to bring one's dreams and ideals to a clear and sharp focus of mental activity or imagination needs to be developed. It is the power of creative visualization (Kriyashakti) for which a significant word was coined during World War II: IMAGINEERING — a combination of "imagination" and "engineering." Alas, the word was there, but our statesmen failed to incarnate it in deeds."

My natal Saturn is 26 deg 47 min Virgo, same as US Lot of Courage.

27th degree Virgo

KEYNOTE: The ability to carry on a revered tradition in order to perpetuate cultural standards of excellence.

At the highest peak of achievement of any fully developed culture the King considers himself in some manner a representative of the Power that controls the order of the universe. From him descends a hierarchy of offices performed by an aristocracy. On the feminine side, to be an aristocrat is to be able to act efficiently in the many rituals of a culture — from official tea parties to presentations at the Court. Dignity, elegance and respect for formal rules are essential.

We may consider the formalism obsolete and meaningless, yet when it ceases to be observed the culture breaks down. Even now in this age of crisis and world transformation, there may be times when honoring formal procedures can be of great value for the disordered and rebellious mind.

This second stage symbol presents the contrast between the "profane" and the "sacred" ritual. But the two need not be antithetic. Our over-individualistic and confused new generations find it valuable to study Japanese tea ceremonies, flower arrangement, judo, etc. The undisciplined need to learn REFINEMENT."

All my Virgo planets reside in my 5th house (Placidus and Whole signs.)
The Part of Eros is those that we seek either consciously or sub-consciously to be as a core group of "fellow travelers" that it is conj. the south node might indicate that while this was the collective past of those that founded this nation it still remains as a core principle of integration.
As the 7th degree of Aquarius is my own North Node and your I.C. Phoenix V., The "WHY" of your chart axis ...the purpose of your own personal dharma it comes as no surprise why you find it "curious" date you have shown yourself to be like minded as to those that founded this nation least to me, you have, but I've gotten to know you a good deal more than the other members these past few weeks from all the correspondence here in this forum and by p.m.
By Dane Rudhyar's analysis and summation the 7th of Aquarius is:


KEYNOTE: The emergence of new mutations according to the great rhythms of the cosmos.

The ancient symbolism of the Cosmic Egg (Hiranyagharba in Sanskrit) out of which a new universe is born can be interpreted at several levels. Here we see the appearance of a new type of human being who is not born from 'Ancestors' and who therefore is free from the inertia of mankind's past. He is a new product of evolution, a mutant. He constitutes a fresh projection of the creative Spirit that emanates from the cosmic or planetary Whole, and not from any local culture and racial tradition.
This second stage symbol is in contrast with the preceding one. It can be said to announce the EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL MAN for the New Age. The power of the whole is focused within him in perfect freedom from ancient standards of value based on local conditions."
[Bold type in Italics for emphasis are my doing. ptv]

Now, there are probably some that would take this to indicate those that seek a so called "New World Order" and quite possibly in some Americans' natal charts it could or should be interpreted this way...but as to the Part of Eros being conj. the South Node of the nation of the U.S.A. I can only see it as meaning to the psyche of the nation as a whole those individuals and groups that share the same visions and core beliefs as the founders of the nation

Ok! So here we go with the Twilight Zone again!! :andy::alien:
You said that your NN and Phoenix Venus's IC is the 7th of Aquarius. My MC is the 7th degree of Aquarius (6 deg 35 min Aquarius.) That is insane!
So I just noticed that my natal pluto 21 degrees 26 mins is the same as the US chart's Descendant, 21 deg 30 min Libra.

22 deg Libra

KEYNOTE: The concern of simple souls for the welfare and happiness of less-evolved beings who thirst for life renewal.

The original statement of this symbol is far more significant than the later formulation, for what is expressed here is a reversal of the operation mentioned in the preceding symbol. Man, who has built the fountain — perhaps on arid land and through skillful work — gives the life-bestowing water to the thirsting birds. He does not go to the sea, but he brings the purified, drinkable water to the birds needing it. The connection between "child" and "birds" implies a spontaneous, nai've rapport at the spiritual level, a soul-touch at the level of pure feelings. At this second stage of the five-fold process the contrast with the first takes on a suggestive aspect. What you received from the Infinite, you can give to the finite beings that thirst for it. Man does not need to destroy nature's wilderness through greed and carelessness; he can transform this wilderness into a garden, whose singing fountains will attract birds. We can use here Marc Jones's Keyword for this degree: SOLICITUDE."
Ok, this is really trippy! My Part of Ancestral Heritage is 0 deg 59 mins Leo same as US chart's Part of Life/Reincarnation (Siblings & Family.)

Sorry if I derailed from the topic quite a bit. I just kept looking at the chart and seeing similarities to my chart, as well as a theme forming for me. :surprised:
Ok, this is really trippy! My Part of Ancestral Heritage is 0 deg 59 mins Leo same as US chart's Part of Life/Reincarnation (Siblings & Family.)

Sorry if I derailed from the topic quite a bit. I just kept looking at the chart and seeing similarities to my chart, as well as a theme forming for me. :surprised:

yes it is very fun to compare the usa chart to the natal :smile:

RETIRED ARMY VETERANS GATHER TO REAWAKEN OLD MEMORIES.The will to reaffirm the value of the struggle upon which civilization and group-achievements are founded.
Two important factors are revealed in this symbol: the men who have come together are Army men, and they are linked by actions and a type of consciousness that have roots in a common past. What we call “civilization” is built by constant struggles against nature, for it seeks to wrench power from nature. This element of power is seen in its most obvious aspect in the military consciousness. Moreover, all civilization is built upon the accumulated products of the experiences of past generations of dedicated men who agree to follow rather rigid procedures of work. Veterans’ groups in all countries seek to rekindle in their members the old fire of well-fought battles; but the type of abstract or religious thinking normally related to the zodiacal sign, Sagittarius, also implies a special kind of “fire.” It is a fire that burns the “now” of natural living in order to build a greater “tomorrow.” It is future-oriented It aspires to produce a greater, wider civilization, even though it finds its roots in the harvest of mankind’s past. Comradeship and group activities are implied, but the togetherness is one of fighting spirits.
This is the first stage of the forty-ninth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. The symbol should be understood in its widest and most basic meaning, not merely as the reunion of old comrades, but as referring to the very power implied in the process of civilization, as opposed to culture — thus to the PERPETUATION of the spirit of struggle for power.

what an interesting sabian symbol for ancestral heritage!

That is wild that your MC is 7 Aqua. ( interesting that the usas part of eros is involved & we are here on our own little internet group) There is definitely some purpose to you being drawn to this thread and learning more about your parts & sab symbols :)
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So, I had to check out my part of heritage too. I found the formula Asc + Moon - Cusp of 8th.

Mine is at 12.57 scorpio. Interestingly, this is the same degree as my part of art/venture, also about 1 degree away from my natal mercury. My part of occult/ guidance is at 13.09 scorpio.

The Usa’s part of positive & helpful change is at 13.17 scorpio, and spiritual service is at 13.48 scorpio

here’s 13 scorpio [ibid] :
KEYNOTE: The driving urge toward achievement, which is at the root of civilization.
At whatever level, the development of more complete and efficient forms of social interplay — the essence of the process of civilization — demands ingenuity, inventiveness and the willingness to experiment within relatively secure test conditions. One must try to go to the roots of problems of interpersonal or international relations, as well as to discover the principles controlling the interaction between material particles and larger bodies. Modern technology is only one approach to an immensely complex problem. Intuition is as necessary to success as intellectual analysis.
This is the third stage of the forty-fifth sequence of five symbols. The symbol stresses the value of individual initiative, perseverance and caution in any attempt to understand how everything is related to everything else. What is most needed is the ABILITY TO RELATE SEEMINGLY UNRELATED FACTS.

and 14 scorpio [ibid] :
KEYNOTE: The need to establish new channels of communication.
The growth of community feeling among separated human beings requires the development of constantly more complex means of interchanging feelings and ideas. Wherever this symbol for Scorpio 14° is found, the indication is that such channels of communication are essential for the success of any interpersonal relationship. They are not only to be built, but to be used significantly and wisely.
This fourth stage symbol brings to our attention the essential value of communicating with our fellow men and even our close associates — with whom such a communication may not always be easy. There can be no communion without communication at some level, including the level of biological attunement. Keyword: THE WILL TO ASSOCIATION or COMPREHENSION.

pretty cool. :smile:
So I just noticed that my natal pluto 21 degrees 26 mins is the same as the US chart's Descendant, 21 deg 30 min Libra.

22 deg Libra

KEYNOTE: The concern of simple souls for the welfare and happiness of less-evolved beings who thirst for life renewal.

The original statement of this symbol is far more significant than the later formulation, for what is expressed here is a reversal of the operation mentioned in the preceding symbol. Man, who has built the fountain — perhaps on arid land and through skillful work — gives the life-bestowing water to the thirsting birds. He does not go to the sea, but he brings the purified, drinkable water to the birds needing it. The connection between "child" and "birds" implies a spontaneous, nai've rapport at the spiritual level, a soul-touch at the level of pure feelings. At this second stage of the five-fold process the contrast with the first takes on a suggestive aspect. What you received from the Infinite, you can give to the finite beings that thirst for it. Man does not need to destroy nature's wilderness through greed and carelessness; he can transform this wilderness into a garden, whose singing fountains will attract birds. We can use here Marc Jones's Keyword for this degree: SOLICITUDE."

Yeah, that is the position of my natal Neptune @ 21* :libra: 52' 42" and my natal Saturn is @ 22* :libra: 17' 17".
btw, the position of the Part of Noble & Illustrious Acquaintance; Asc. + :sun: - :parsfortunae: for President Obama's birth chart is @ 21* :libra: 44' 19" :whistling: [btw...Obama's Part in reverse formula calculates to be 14* :gemini: 21' 03"]

Let's not forget that the 7th of Leo is the U.S.A./s natal North Node position and it it als the natal North Node for my fellow yogi, Suryakant.
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The 14th of Scorpio happens to be Edgar Cayce's nadir, the "WHY" of his chart axis by Sabian Symbolic chart axis interpretation.

It is also the degree of the N. Node on April 2, 3 C.E. [or A.D., if you prefer] Gregorian calendar. The day that Edgar Cayce gave as the actual birth date of Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth, btw.
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I only just realized that I should include the Part known as 'Ancestral Heritage'. It is derived from the formula, Asc. + :moon: - :uranus:,
For the U.S.A.that calculates to be 11* :virgo: 48' 10"

`KEYNOTE : The penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind.

In contrast to the preceding symbol we have now a scene stressing a physical action with psychological and/or spiritual overtones. In ancient cosmologies the male god often appears in three roles as son, husband and father of the woman element of nature. Nature is fulfilled by the human mind and will that overcome her; she resists only better to be subdued by the power that transcends her, and by transcending her gives her a spiritual meaning. The element of "training" in the symbolic scene comes from the fact that there has been a marriage ritual; thus the sociocultural factor is in the background. The teacher-guru is here the priest who has performed the ritual.

At this second stage the rules are reversed, the masculine element assuming the dynamic positive part in the great play of polarity. The masculine act balances the feminine dream visualization. The Keyword is UNVEILING. There can also be an unveiling of mysteries, long protected by secrecy."

I always knew and believed the nation the USA,

This degree is conjunct my south node
I was rather surprised and a bit stunned to find that I had never included the Part of Sudden Advancement for the USA natal chart given here. The Part of Sudden Advancement for some reason I've yet to fathom is also known as the Hermetic Lot of Nemesis.

In every natal chart that I've determined this Part I have found the Sabian symbol to be quite literally that which, if the native of the chart had done or were to do it would have certainly helped that person achieve their predestined accomplishments sooner and easier.
Possibly it is considered to be ones nemesis as it always seems to symbolically be something extraneous and yet another chore or task to concern oneself with.

For an example, the Yeshu'a/Jesus natal chart I produced has the Part of Sudden Advancement at the 11th of Gemini; [ibid.]
Anyone that is familiar with the 'Lost Years" of Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth knows about the many theories and what evidence there is to support those that say or suggest that He went to many neighboring lands. Edgar Cayce, the renowned 20th century American Clairvoyant says that He went to India, Persia, Egypt and studied under various master teachers in each of those lands and took some sort of initiation in the Great Pyramid fro a man that went by the name of Zar [Persian. I seriously doubt that He took any sort of initiation rite that was of the origin of the Egyptian Amen priests. S. Freud stated that he was convinced that what is the Hebrew faith originated as that of the Aton belief of ancient Egypt and that Moses was the High Priest of the Aton 'religion' and those that followed him out of Egypt were the lesser clergy. If one ties in the readings of Edgar Cayce then the origin of the Aton faith is actually Atlantis and is of the 'Red Race' . ..and Adam is said to mean 'Red Man' in some ancient and forgotten tongue.
According to Cayce Yeshu'a was taught how to cleanse the physical body and make it pure for strength of body and mind in order to be that which He was destined to become under the tutelege of a man named Kahjian, in Persia and in his travels elsewhere he acquired knowledge as to unifying forces as related to those teachings of that given by Za and Ra he was a student of one known as Junner in Persia.He was taught Astrology and phrenology in the Essene schools [Real Astrology not what the Greeks were practicing. The Essenes were given there knowledge of Astrology by Melchizedek hundreds of years prior to the birth in the manger in the area nowadays known as Bethlehem.
These travels to other lands is exactly that which did give Yeshu'a/Jesus his greatest advancement in accomplishing what He was destined to do.

For another example, my Part of Sudden Advancement is the 20th of Virgo, and I find that Rudhyars summation of the symbolism for the degree says it all "A TOTALIZATION OF PURPOSE AND EFFORT." Yeah, pretty clear cut and simple...just give your sadhana 101%...24/7 ...[Why I'm so annoyingly persistent.]
Take Bill Clintons for another example. His calculates to be 03* :virgo: 11' 13", that is the 4th of Virgo and interestingly that is what I got for the 12th house cusp for the natal chart of yeshu'a/Jesus [and the symbolism is what is the native of the chart has for an answer to the worlds most pressing problem [Placidus] [ibid] 4* VIRGO "BLACK AND WHITE CHILDREN PLAY TOGETHER HAPPILY.
KEYNOTE: The overcoming of socio-cultural prejudices....[and Rudhyars summation of the definition of the symbol and his signature 'Keyword]... Every human being should be seen, approached and warmly met as a "child of God," or in less religious terms as an exemplar of Man. Such a status gives to every social and interpersonal group the character of a BROTHERHOOD."
..and anyone that really personally knows Bill well will tell you that he is without the least prejudicial bone in his body...and it is what endeared Him to many voters of other than European ancestry.

The Part of Sudden Advancement for the USA natal chart [zero hour 7/4/1776 Philadelphia, Penn] is 02* :gemini: 23' 11'', that is the 3rd degree of Gemini:

KEYNOTE: The formalization of collective ideals through the application of reason and order to newly discovered aspects of nature.

The gardens of the Tuileries and Versailles are typical representations of the classical spirit and its need for order and symmetry. The reign of the French king, Louis XIV, followed the Renaissance, which was filled with the excitement of a new spirit of discovery and a period of internal troubles. A reaction had to come to consolidate the gains made by the collective mind of European man. Such a consolidation usually leads to another extreme, i.e. formalism and often the narrow intellectual crystallization of dualistic concepts.

At this third stage of the thirteenth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases we see the contents of the first and second stages brought to the state of clear and lucid, but also formalized, conceptualization. The heavenly gift-bearing Santa Claus has become the paternalistic autocrat, king by "divine right." The warm family circle celebrating the birth of the Deliverer from wintry darkness is now the Court of the king ruled by rigid rituals. There is clarity, but there is also ego-centralization and the worship of FORMALISM."

...not an easy one to understand at all....anyone got a take on this?

For the part of sudden advancement, I don't understand that degree either. I have the exact same degree for the planet jupiter
yes it is very fun to compare the usa chart to the natal :smile:


what an interesting sabian symbol for ancestral heritage!

That is wild that your MC is 7 Aqua. ( interesting that the usas part of eros is involved & we are here on our own little internet group) There is definitely some purpose to you being drawn to this thread and learning more about your parts & sab symbols :)

P.V. You quoted the 1st degree of Sag. not Leo.

The first deg. Of Sag. is my Part of Increase and Benefits.

...meaning [to me] that I would never really begin to find a steady source of income until I was "re-awakened".
For the part of sudden advancement, I don't understand that degree either. I have the exact same degree for the planet jupiter

Yeah, it finally made sense to me after I had to deal with the symbol enough times that it forced me to contemplate on it until i did understand it.

The simplest and easiest to understand example I can give is the matter of personal hygiene.
Prior to the the times mentioned in the text by Rudhyar, the belief as to how illness and disease were spread had nothing to do with the reality of the situation. Once it was understood, that in turn led to a "formalization of {a}collective ideal_ through the application of reason" the least of which is that of washing ones hands after visiting the toilet, quite formalized and applied actually, as presently you'll see signs to that effect in every public washroom in any restaurant in the United States.
I corrected a very grave error in the listing of Parts as I had the Part of Commerce [Asc. + Mars - Sun] listed under the sign of Gemini and not Pisces, where it does belong.

I apologize for any trouble if may have caused anyone. especially considering the "Commerce" of the USA right at this time.

I also cleaned up the garbled explanation as to the difference between the Part of Soul/Spirit to that of the Part of Fortune in the thread on Astrological Parts
in the Degree symbolism sub-forum... I apologize for that mess.
I just checked in to make note of the location of a few of the Parts I've listed for my own reference I can't find the notebook of mine that has these listed this morning... and while I was reading over the preface I had written in the first post, and the addendums, I noticed a need for clarification in a couple of sentences and some typos that needed correcting {and I corrected all that I noticed}.
This all is due to Phoenix Venus and I working together continuously in effort to produce a book on the Sabian Symbols and Astrological Parts which, hopefully, might be ready to submit to my publisher before the end of this year.
So as I read over the next to the last addendum, specifically that in the "blue text" I now find that the title I suggested as an alternative to the Part of Mans' Marriage, r.e. "Contentment of the SouL", to be lacking...
...possibly "Commitment of the Soul" might be more appropriate.
Well, alright now...
I think that I've come to a final conclusion about the aforementioned "Part", r.e. Part of Mans Marriage, that I have been calling the Part of Contentment of the Soul.
As I just wrote Phoenix Venus the following. I'll share it with the forum so as to not have to sit here all the rest of the evening...It's past my supper time and I've been hours at this keyboard today.

....copied and pasted as follows...>

"...I couldn't remember what the formula for the Part of Mans Marriage is or where my Part is, for that matter, either.
So while I was scrolling through the list at the forum I had a sudden "flash", when I saw the formula, being that it is Saturn 'triggering' Venus, that it's about committing ones love...but I'm talking about spiritual love...or that is to say, love on a spiritual level.
When I found out where my Part is and read the symbol, well....
....How can it be anything other than that?"

My Part of ...what ever it is... {Commitment?... I don't know about that title Commitment of Spiritual Heart?.... hmmm? A bit lengthy!?!}


The compassionate linking of all men.

This symbol reveals the feeling of human cooperation at the stage of pure altruism and service to the social Whole. On that foundation of Christ love (agape, or true companionship), man can reach a still higher level of experience made possible by the refinement of the substance of his being, his consciousness and his will. This goes beyond imagination and faith in the future - beyond Christmas tree celebrations - for it implies going into the dark to bring life and love to the tormented and the deprived.

At this final stage of the five-fold sequence we see what is finally open as new potentiality to the 'widow before an open grave' — the closing symbol of the preceding sequence. Personal attachment in love to a husband or wife has changed level becoming a

If I may, I would like to point your collective attention to the sentence that Rudhyar wrote that follows {and keep in mind that it has been titled the "Part of Mans Marriage"}

"Personal attachment in love to a husband or wife has changed level becoming a CONSECRATION TO HUMANITY."

Maybe it should be titled, "the Part of Spiritual Marriage of Man"?
One thing to note, is that Phoenix Venus agrees that the word "Commitment" is far more fitting a description than that of the word "Contentment".

Well as the Sabian Symbol for this same 'Part' for that of the United States is going to be a big part of determining what the needed title will eventually become, it will be the focus of some attention and much contemplation for a few days...give or take...


The revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the core of any life situation.

This picture simply says that 'heaven is within us'. All we have to do is to be open and listen to the total harmony of life, a harmony in which we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole. In order to do this we have to surrender our separative ego- consciousness and flow with the universal current which, to the religiously minded person, is the Will of God.

This is the fourth symbol of the series. The technique it implies is that of
ATTUNEMENT to the rhythm of universal life. Angels are to be considered personalizations of various aspects of this life, and totally subservient to its rhythms and purposes."

Focusing on the following words from the above, by Rudhyar:

"...we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole. In order to do this we have to surrender our separative ego- consciousness and flow with the universal current which, to the religiously minded person, is the Will of God."

I have to think that the word "Commitment" is very likely to become at least a part of the title we will decide on...

Any opinions?
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