'The King of Parts': The Part of Hyleg

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Additional note about my composite and synastry with the Yeshu'a chart is that my clairvoyant friend and spiritual confidante, Clarisse Conner, says my chart is a type of mirror of his.

Of additional interest relevant to that is that I was born exactly at Sunset my natal Sun in the 17 degree of Taurus but conj by a less than one deg. orb with my Desc in the 18th of Taurus.

My natal Moon is exactly conj the nadir in the 25th of Aquarius.

I once asked Clarisse "if the Sun conjunct the nadir is the beginning of the new day what is the Moon conj. the nadir? "
She said, "The start of the mirror day":andy::sideways::smile:
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I felt it necessary to point out my late correction i "...if there is one thing the United States does seem imprisoned from... that which it cannot embrace, or implement, is CONTROLLING ITS power of expansion."

I also just realized I've been identifying the USA's Po Soul/Spirt in the 18th of Virgo as its Po Fortune. The USA's Po Fortune is in the 26th of Scorpio (ibid.)

KEYNOTE: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements.

More of that USA power of "expansion" in action. We had the Native Americans (of which I've some part ancestry) up an moving and adjusting to new camps so many times they lost their tribal identities for the most part.

I made the necessary corrections to the posts above.
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Piercethevale, well the hylegs must be at the center of this "mirroring" quality!! How epic is that.. Especially when you consider what the hyleg is considered to represent.

To have my part of fortune conjunct the USA's part of imprisonment.. I realize it means something other than what i originally thought. Mars conjuncts that spot this upcoming saturday.. I will have to do some astrology around that time. Maybe i will work on a thread...

I was thinking of doing a thread on the part of fortune in the charts of noteable people. Some of them are so spot on, so accurate, the POF just happens to reside in the ONLY symbol of all the set of 360 sabians that could have been appropriate for the person. Isnt that something?

And now i have a question for you. Is there some scientific-spiritual rationale behind the new day starting at midnight? Ive always considered it to be more in alignment with the world that a new day started at dawn, and a new year started at spring; and that the western world had it goofy.

I think you explained this once before to me but i didnt quite understand what you were saying.

Youre my best friend. So glad to see your posts here :smile:
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Piercethevale, well the hylegs must be at the center of this "mirroring" quality!! How epic is that.. Especially when you consider what the hyleg is considered to represent.

To have my part of fortune conjunct the USA's part of imprisonment.. I realize it means something other than what i originally thought. Mars conjuncts that spot this upcoming saturday.. I will have to do some astrology around that time. Maybe i will work on a thread...

I was thinking of doing a thread on the part of fortune in the charts of noteable people. Some of them are so spot on, so accurate, the POF just happens to reside in the ONLY symbol of all the set of 360 sabians that could have been appropriate for the person. Isnt that something?

And now i have a question for you. Is there some scientific-spiritual rationale behind the new day starting at midnight? Ive always considered it to be more in alignment with the world that a new day started at dawn, and a new year started at spring; and that the western world had it goofy.

I think you explained this once before to me but i didnt quite understand what you were saying.

Youre my best friend. So glad to see your posts here :smile:

I did mention the reasoning behind it in one thread once... or maybe a couple.

When the Sun is at that point it is the cycle of a Days' equivalent to a New Moon, if you ponder on this I think you'll "see it".
I kind of came to a tentative conclusion not too long ago after explaining why the Sabians don't move with the Sidereal (i.e. as they are a representative of a full cycle that begins with Aries 01° (in a mundane cycle of transformation) and the 1st degree of Aries represents awareness as a new life form (ibid.)

KEYNOTE: Emergence of new forms and of the potentiality of consciousness.

The Sabians are locked into the seasonal cycle and thus are always found in alignment with the Tropical Zodiac.

Realizing that made me realize that (tentatively conclusive) that astrology is based on cycles.
It should then be always referred back to when ever there is a quandry, a debate, as to what technique is proper. Thus one should determine which technique is cycle based in theory and if both the two in contention are then the proper one is that i technique that reflects that cycle of the cycle of the Moons.

I got into a point of contention with a rabbi that was assisting me as I accused the Jews of fudging the knowledge by observing Sundown as the start of a new day.
I learned from further study (I think it was reading the Kabbalists) that the Jews were given permission by God to observe time in any manner they choose.

They are, afterall, the "Chosen People"... special.:lol::biggrin:

I managed to lose that rabbi as a friend, regrettably.
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We should do a postnatal Full Moon Po Hyleg for the USA and see what is conj. the Desc. of that chart for the nations postnatal Full Moon?

...if it turns out to be ...

naw, it couldn't...that would be just too much of a ...
The Desc. is in the 6th of Leo...just missing being conj. that all and ever present 7th deg. of Leo where it's N. Node was ...which is my S. Node, which is your M.C. P.V. and which is my yogi friend, Suryakant's, N. Node

The Sun and Moon came pretty close to being conj. the North and South Node

Yet Venus is conj that Desc. and Po Fortune for the Chart is the 6th of Leo and the 6th of Leo also happens to be the location of the USA's natal Po Occultism aka Po Guidance (Asc. + Neptune - Uranus) at 05° Leo 00' 54"
The USA's Part of Omens & Signs is at 05° Pisces 52' 03"
Because that degree is the Po Delusion for the USA (Asc. + Neptune - Moon) ... but that is a Part that we have never explored and aren't sure if that tile is appropriate (likely not...considering how many have been accurate to date concerning the trans-Saturnian Parts... although those utilizing Neptune have been a tiny bit of a surprise... but the had the one Asc. + Neptune - Venus completely backward in that it was not Part of False Love but rather a Part of Ideal Love)

...but the 28th of Scorpio is something very special to Phoenix Venus and I folks as the Sabian Symbol is given as (ibid.)

KEYNOTE: The capacity in man to recognize and to pay homage to an integrating Principle at the core of all existence."

It was the Asc. of the chart for the locale and moment I took a photo of a Faerie ten years ago this July.

I had been visited by them twice two months prior in my apt right after I moved into it.
It sits along the edge of a nature preserve along the American River in N. California.

I also got a photo of seven of them the night before in that month of July 2007
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So using that postnatal Full Moon in the Part of Hyleg formula we get
00° Taurus 04' 49" (ibid.)


The pure, uncontaminated and spontaneous manifestation of one's own nature.

Here we see life substance in its original dynamic form and as it emerged from its spiritual source. This is true whatever the nature of the source may be. In a sense the mountain stream is conditioned by the nature of the soil and by all the forces which in the past have formed the mountain's rock strata: that is to say, by past history. Yet out of this past a new, pure (i.e. unadulterated) release of potentiality has emerged. It is ready to perform whatever work its dharma is to accomplish.

This is the first stage of the seventh five-fold sequence of phases. Matter is still imbued with great potential energy, energy being matter at its source. It is flowing irresistibly toward its own destiny. It is simply
As I was recalculating all of the suggested formulae for the four different Parts of Hyleg above using the new gps co-ordinates of Verdugo City for my birth place... as opposed to Glendale [because the newly incorporated City, Verdugo City, is just a mere few blocks west of where the hospital I was born at once stood as opposed to using the gps co-ordinates for Glendale which are somewhere around five mile Southeast of the location of the bygone hospital] I realized something that we missed observing back when we were involved in studying this Astrological Part. That is that the four different Moons used as the "Trigger" in the formula produce four Astrological Parts of one for each element.
That is one in Fire, one in Earth, one in Air, and one in Water.

Right at this moment, as I haven't yet given it a long hard pondering... it seems to me that it'll work that way every time for most every natal chart...except possibly for those rare times when two of the same Moons occur in the same sign.

Such an outcome, to me, gives this proposal of determining all four suggested Hyleg like Parts added credibility to their being, in some way, of equal or near equal importance.

Be aware though, that the traditional formula of using the Full or New Moon that was closest to the time of birth did prove to me to be the most significantly important of the lot as to my own self and what all else in my natal chart seems to be in support of... or one might say that they "deposit into"... the other three are very significant as being at least major depositors to that of the traditional Hyleg. That is to say that by the symbolism found for the degree of the Zodiac each is in the Sabian Symbol ofr each of those degrees is most very significant in relation to that of the Sabian Symbol found for the traditional Hyleg formula Part... and always use the diurnal [Day birth] formula... as like everything else in nature that God created, when you reverse a formula you get something entirely different.

I presently am in a bit of awe at this in that I know of no other technique that gives emphasis to all four of the Zodiacal elements... it's quite curious!
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